Social Network Posting


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Personal Gratitude at Thanksgiving

There is always something we can be grateful for,
and Thanksgiving is the day to stop
and offer our humble appreciation for it.

This Thanksgiving I find myself feeling grateful for all of you who have crossed my path on the road of life this past year.

Maybe we nodded a ‘hello’ as we rushed off to attend to our responsibilities.
Maybe we paused to embrace and acknowledged our connection.
Maybe we shared words that spoke of Trust and Friendship.
Maybe we connected in many meaningful ways in cyberspace :-)

But whether our interaction was actual or virtual, I know you are an integral part of who I am Becoming – and for this I am grateful. I humbly thank you for Your Presence in my life.

As a spiritual seeker, I know there are blessings to every interaction. No gratitude practice would be complete without my also thanking the Dark Teachers I have met this past year. I honor You also for showing me things hidden in the recesses of my life.

Whether you take time to express gratitude on this holiday or just gather to eat…I wanted you to know I am grateful for Your Presence this Thanksgiving.

To You…Family, Friends, Gratitude and Good Eating! Corinne

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