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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thriving in the Worst of Times

Part Three: Trust Everything is in Divine Order

One thing we can all agree upon…These are troubling times.

We have discussed how important it is to acknowledge our resistance and to move through it with the intention to be totally non-resistant to What Is.

We have looked at how fear can either paralyze us or trigger rash, impulsive action.

We have begun to realize the importance of living life with our eyes and Heart open – and now we come to a new spiritual option in these lessons: to Trust that everything is in Divine Order.

A New Paradigm is Emerging

We are at the doorstep of a new paradigm. As we move from a society with a survival formula based on violence and domination to one based on peace and compassion – all things are unraveling that must to lay the foundation for the New Earth.

The belief in the Law of the Jungle is dying. ‘Survival of the fittest,’ a phrase created by Charles Darwin, has been a guiding mantra for many generations now. In order to survive as a species, Darwin theorized we had to be dominating and violent. But this has never been true! At Heart, we are not this way – and never have been. The gross majority of us aspire to be cooperative, compassionate and nurturing towards each other. The jungle does not even live by this law. Lion’s do not hunt other lions. They hunt other animals who are meek or sick – very effectively removing the weakest links in the evolutionary chain!

Charles Darwin, an upper classman in the Victorian society of the mid 1800’s, created the phrase ‘survival of the fittest’ to slightly alter the evolutionary theory submitted to him by an admirer who was a naturalist and part of the lower class. This man named Alfred Russell Wallace called his evolutionary theory the ‘elimination of the weakest.’ Now before you cringe and side with Darwin’s power spin on Wallace’s words, let’s look at what he meant.

‘Elimination of the Weakest’
(a greatly simplified explanation)

We do not kill the weakest in own communities but those with genetic weaknesses usually slip away from us dying young without procreating. The traits that do not serve our highest good as a species do not repeat themselves. This is natural selection at its best, or in other words, a natural elimination of the weakest.

Wallace’s theory implied Trust and the presence of a spiritual influence – something that had no place in the scientific climate of the era. His phraseology implied a whole different evolutionary course. Here we see those traits that do not serve us, those that threaten our survival dropping away or being eliminated from our evolutionary story. There is no brutality implied just a gentle slipping away.

Seeing the Illusion

…And this is what is happening today. The factions of our society whether they be people, institutions or ways of thinking are being eliminated. A restructuring is occurring difficult only for those resisting that which is unfolding. The foundation we have created for ourselves is illusionary. It is based on theories that have been held high and revered as we moved through an era of our growth as a species. It has served its purpose creating the cold, driving industrial revolution and the scientific developments that made the material world, the only world.

The past 150 years have taken us to new heights but left our spiritual, compassionate nature split off from us. The blessings of Sunday worship and the meaningful actions of spiritual communities – all dissolve on Monday morning in the very aggressive, independent, kill-or-be-killed work environment. But no longer…

What To Do in Challenging Times

Since we are still uncomfortable and unsure of how to Be on this New Earth, we are faced with personal and societal challenges. Challenging times require meaningful action. This type of action moves us towards the end goal of the new compassionate/cooperative based world emerging.

In order for you to be able to Surrender to What Is and to Trust everything is in Divine Order, you have to perform a few simple but important tasks that support your own evolution as a contributing resident of the New Earth.

1) You will have to right what you perceive to be wrong to the best of your ability.
2) You may want to confer with someone you Trust in your community to review your challenge for anything you may have overlooked.
3) It is only then that you can Surrender to What Is and Trust everything is in Divine Order.

It is in your Trust that you can finally relax and feel some Inner Peace. (You can not get this wrong because if there is something you need to resolve personally, it will resurface in your life. This resurfacing will be more dramatic than last time around. This will happen not to punish you, but to show you that there is more work to be done on your part.)

To be clear…Sometimes situations are beyond our ability to manage.
When we do not have enough facts to make a wise decision and those facts are not available to us, we have to Trust.
If we acquire information that we think will assist us in making a decision but it is beyond our understanding, we have to Trust.
If we feel confused and ask for assistance and resolution can still not be found, we have to Trust.

The aspects of our lives that no longer serve us are falling apart and dropping away. Let them go! What supported us yesterday are today’s weakest links. Let them be eliminated. All is as it should be. Trust everything is in Divine Order.

There will be time to act, but that time is not in this moment.
Next Posting...Part Four: Acting When Called to Do So

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thriving in the Worst of Times

Part Two: Resist Nothing

A chaotic tornado whips through most of our lives today taking away our sense of comfort and Inner Peace. It is tearing everything away and redistributing and restructuring What Is. Yesterday’s assumptions are being dashed against economic instability and our personal losses. Global changes to What Is have affected each and every one of us.

But this means opportunity abounds! because everything is being scattered, redistributed and redirected. You can either Surrender and ride with the wind – or not. We are all going for this crazy ride regardless!

Resist Nothing

We have been taught to listen to our fear. Our vigilance keeps us safe. This is true in the physical world, but when meeting challenges from a broader spiritual perspective, the rules are slightly different. We have to look behind and into our fear. As spiritual beings living on Earth, we must Trust our instincts, and at the same time, resist nothing spiritually.

Here is a beginning explanation of how to do this:

Do your best to be fully present in your life. Presume everything that touches your life is absolutely essential for your personal growth.

This goes not mean you are supposed to dive into or embrace everything that crosses your path. It means that in order to be fully present in life, you should aspire to being aware of everything that is happening.

Imagine yourself as being fully of the world and of the day that has been gifted to you. Allow every aspect of your life, whether you label it ‘positive’ or ‘negative,’ to be expressed even if you find this difficult. Listen openly to What Is without judgment or expectations.

Fear is Here

There are two ways that fear can manifest in your life. Both start with confusion and end in either painful inaction or impulsive action. Either way the response is inauthentic and reaps an outcome off target from that which you originally intended.

Let’s look at these two responses more closely.
Confusion and Painful Inaction

Sometimes our fear confuses our ability to think or emote our way out of our challenges, and we are paralyzed.

When fear inhibits your actions, you go into mental or emotional overload, can not process the specifics of What Is – and stop moving completely. Your fear of your perceived choices clouds your ability to see the Truth or the Divine inner core of What Is. You dig in your heels, close your eyes and refuse to step forward into what you think is dangerous.

But the people behind you on the road of life will be bumping into you, and then inevitably circling around you and continuing their lives. If you choose painful inaction, you will feel bruised and alone, the loss of your traveling companions obvious. Although this choice will feel painful, it will also feel familiar.

Confusion and Impulsive Action

Other times our fear confuses our ability to think or emote our way out of our challenges, and we act inappropriately or impulsively.

When fear distorts your actions, and you bolt into an impulsive or dramatic response to feel safe, you will overshoot the Divine inner core of What Is. You will undoubtedly feel a level of resolve, but it will be short lived because your demons will catch up to you, and your fear will be resurrected.

This will happen not because you are being punished (that would be a perception not a Truth) but because you are Divinely Loved and have not received the message that is being gifted to you. The gift was actually embedded in the fear!

As with the response of paralyzed inaction, where you can feel alone and abandoned, on the impulsive action trajectory, you can feel likewise. In this instance, you can overshoot your companions (and clear thinking!) and feel alone – and again, this would feel familiar to you.

As a spiritual seeker you are meant to act wisely and independently, but this never creates loss or abandonment.

Do your best to receive the world As Is.

Everything in your life is processed through your life experience and will trigger your unique response. It is the resistance that the spiritual seeker recognizes with respect, journals around, and then responds to wisely.

Your assignments then as a seeker are to 1) receive everything, 2) acknowledge What Is with eyes and Heart open, 3) reflect and journal.

Whatever your response, it is about you not the event itself because absolutely everything is in Divine Order.

Resist nothing.
Drop into fear and confusion.
Move beyond painful inaction and impulsive actions.
Find a deeper understanding.

Next Posting...Part Three: Trust Everything is in Divine Order

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thriving in the Worst of Times

Part One: Guidelines for the Spiritual Seeker

Your challenges do not make you stronger.
It is your ability to find resolution that does.

We are hearing about the direst of circumstances especially with housing foreclosures and the stock market instability. The stress level worldwide is possibly higher than it ever has been in living history when we consider the impact of economic issues and natural disasters. Regardless of the specifics of your unique personal challenges, there are certain steps the spiritual seeker can take to find resolution.

Here are the three quintessential guidelines for coping effectively in the worst of times:

1) Resist nothing
2) Trust everything is in Divine order
3) Act when Called to do so

Let’s first look at these guidelines in more depth and then at some examples of them in action:

1) Resist nothing
Be fully present in your life. This allows you to be aware everything that is happening. Be fully of the world and of the day that has been gifted to you. Allow every aspect of your life, whether you label it ‘positive’ or ‘negative,’ to be expressed. Listen openly to What Is.

2) Trust everything is in Divine order
If you are worried or stressed, you are resisting the Truth of What Is and attempting to control the outcome. You can not manage what you do not understand. It is most important to develop the wisdom that tells you when to act on what you are meant to manage, and when to let go. When you are not able to make a decision or fathom the complexities of a situation then stop, sit quietly and consciously let it go. Release your challenge to the Divine and Trust. If you are meant to manage the situation or have overlooked an aspect of it that you are meant to contemplate, it will stay front and center in your life and require your attention again. You can not make a mistake – as long as you stay open and Trust.

3) Act when Called to do so…not out of emotion or thought. Sometimes the world or your life is too complicated for you to understand. You can not manage any aspect of life without some basic information about the dilemma. When you do not have the knowledge you need to respond effectively, it is not possible for you to find resolution. Sit still until Called from a place deeper than thought or emotion. Do this until you have your answers. This could be a few minutes – or a lifetime. It is simply not possible for you to manage or correct what you do not fully comprehend.

Answering the Call is a spiritual mission.

How to Recognize a Call to Action that is from your Heart

• The Call will spontaneously come to you.
• The Call will seem to be from outside of your logical mind or outside of yourself.
• You will feel the need to speak or act in accordance with certain or specific information that is clear to you.

You can, of course, override an impulse that is pure and of Divine Inspiration. It is in your resistance that you bring yourself back to the beginning of your spiritual growth curve where you are unknowing, untrusting and suffering. You will be returned to the beginning of your struggle, not as punishment, but with the Loving intention for you to revisit your challenges and find resolution.

• Resistance impedes your ability to find resolution.
• Trust allows you to Listen Openly and tap into the Divine within.
• Acting when the Call is clear and meaningfully offers resolution, one that is both self-fulfilling and broader than self-fulfillment.

The action that serves self and others
is the one to embrace.

More specifics and examples of how to thrive in the worst of times in the next issue of The Wellspring. Not a subscriber! CLICK HERE and join an international community of spiritual seekers.

The more honed our plan and the deeper our Trust, the smoother we flow with the Call.

Next Posting: Thriving in the Worst of Times…Part Two: Examples and How To

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Cancer: A Spiritual Perspective

Although I approach all subjects with an analytical, yet spiritual eye, there are occasions when I am called to be more esoteric and do a ‘reading.’

This time the request came from a psychiatric nurse who requested a reading of her gravely ill brother-in-law. Besides suffering from the complications of cancer, he had suffered a heart attack the day before and was placed on a respirator.

Here are the specific questions she posed to me and my answers to her about her brother-in-law:

• What does my brother-in-law need?
For all of you to come together as a family in a Loving way
• What can I do to be prepared?
Meet the challenge to see all of your family with unconditional, Loving eyes

I went on to make a further explanation about the energy of cancer. Here is that email:

Cancer is present to ‘right’ what is out of balance in the family. Your brother-in-law is the carrier of the message.

The higher wisdom of cancer intends to gather families together – and that is the entire point. Where Love is conditional, judgments exist and cancer will come forward to heal the dynamic. Your brother-in-law has been the vehicle to bring all of you back together.
Although other illnesses will bring people together, cancer does so on a cellular level. The cancer cell left to run its course wants to make every cell in the body a cancer cell. The goal of cancer is Oneness.

But much has to die in order for this Oneness to be present – the death of ways of thinking and emoting, the death of dreams, and the death of Loved Ones. All death leads to Oneness.

You can not stop the process by not gathering. The cancer dynamic is a Divinely Inspired message intending to bring all of you together beyond your dividing thoughts and emotions. None of you have realized how important it is to Forgive and Love. Being there for one another is as essential to you individually as it is for the very cells of your body.

Learn this now with your brother-in-law’s cancer. Learn to Love each other today, and then maintain unconditional Loving connections between all of you so no one has to get cancer again to gather the family.

Unconditional Love is speaking here very loudly.

As for the heart attack, his heart has made a last stand to gather all of you. I do not feel he is meant to come back. He may become more conscious one more time on a Soul level (but not on a physical level) to see if the ‘gathering’ has been achieved.

He is not meant to return. In this moment when I tune in, I see him being far away playing fetch with a large retriever-like dog. He has returned to a simple happiness he had completely lost track of in his physical life. I am sorry to say that he feels as if he is not in life or committed to it any longer. But then you already knew that.

Meet the challenge to come together as a family with unconditional Love for each other and free your family of the need for cancer’s presence.

(There is more I have written on cancer that I am including in a collection of stories and observations tentatively called “Living and Dying in the 21st Century.”)

Saturday, October 4, 2008 dad has inspired my thoughts on the nature of living and dying. Yes - a weighty topic. Notes to be posted and shared with all soon.
...visited my dad in rehab. He talks about flying in his wheelchair through the air - in his dreams, in his imagination. Hmm...more soon.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How to Heal an Unforgiving Attitude

You have sought to define yourself with clarity, you have clung courageously to the clear definition of You, and you waved it above your head as a victory banner. And so you should have!

But another issue surfaces now for some of you – your awareness of how unforgiveness filters into and detrimentally affects your spiritual goals.

You come to a point in your evolution when you strive to take the steps that release you from the shackles that bind you to unforgiveness. This unforgiving attitude needs to move through you. Today it moves with you.

The challenge before you is to stand the ground of self and allow your life to flow through you. It is time to let go of any unforgiving attitudes because like eating too many snacks can derail your dieting goals, unforgiveness does the same to your spiritual goals.

You choose to find an Inner Peace that allows you to be You, but there is a part of you that fears this final letting go, a part of you that fears you will be truly empty if the biting, hurtful judgments you safe guard are released. Accustomed to a fullness that is misleading, you cling to this unforgiving attitude thinking it defines you in some way. You say to yourself, ‘It is my opinions that define me! Isn’t this true?’ The answer is, ‘Yes and no.’

Opinions assist in self definition and are very important to a certain level of spiritual growth. They do define how you feel in the moment, but they are not indicative of who you are at Heart or at your innermost core. On another level of spiritual evolution, an opinion is meant to float or drift with What Is. Holding anything has the potential to create distortion, dysfunction, infection or illness whether it is bacteria or contaminated thought.

Opinions do fill you up with words and feelings, but they can also cloud who you are on the Essence level. Unforgiveness is an opinion that has tangled itself around you spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically impeding your movement. Although your opinion once served to direct you towards how you felt, the one of unforgiveness does not.

You have come to a point where you realize how much your unforgiveness compromises your spiritual goals. Furthermore you realize how much your goals on a Soul level are clouded, and this is causing you additional suffering.

How wonderful it is that you realize your potential to live a more open and Loving life!

How painful it is that you realize your potential to live a more open and Loving life…

You are meant to be rooted in You and connected to the Divine and All That Is. You are meant to be rooted in who you are at the Essence level where you know You and do not need to define who you are any longer. You are meant to be rooted in your Essence where you can fully be One with All That Is – and not lose yourself.

Let us look at exactly what unforgiveness looks like and where it lies your
Beingness, and work to release its grip on you:

Unforgiveness is a full stop on the Soul level. It manifests as a blank space or a misconnection to your Soul Mission. You begin to take a step and either lose track of your intention or feel as if you trip over something unseen.

(Free! Download The Eglabeggel Effect)

Unforgiveness is a dramatic response to an event in your life. The event is always personal affecting your sensitivities from the physical to your innermost core. It is an opinion held tightly that does not shift or evolve. This holding affects your ability to change, and to recognize or move with Divine Inspiration.

In time any part of your story becomes your entire story. You are all of your parts and one of your parts. You can not separate what you do not like about yourself and secret it away in a box tucked deep down within you without repercussions. The box will be a part of your story. Whether the secret escapes or stays harbored, it will become your story.

Since you are spiritually-minded, you are informed here that your unforgiveness has repercussions to others as well. It is felt clearly and definitively even if it is not openly stated. Unforgiveness feels inauthentic to others whether it is overt or secret, and this will trigger a defensive response in the others. (A defensive response can be blame, anger or withdrawal.) Secret unforgiveness creates responses that seem out of context which create many types of relationship breakdowns from aloofness to open, harsh judgmental behavior.

The question then is, “What do you do to heal an unforgiving attitude?”

Steps to Healing Unforgiveness

1) An unforgiving attitude must be fully acknowledged, seen for what it is and felt to its full potential. Close you eyes and relax. Make it your intention to see/hear/feel exactly how unforgiveness compromises your well-being. What is its shape? What color is it? Does it have a smell? Where is it in your body? Is it saying anything to you or directing your thoughts in some way?

(It is only when you do this and realize its repercussions to your well-being that you truly understand how important it is to heal.

2) Take the time you need to fully describe your unforgiveness in your journal or draw a picture of what you have experienced.

(You are getting a clear vision of your unforgiveness in order to develop a unique, healing response to it.)

3) Sit quietly with your description of your unforgiveness. Without disappearing into it, reflect on it. Ask to be shown how to heal it. This unique, healing response will be shown to you in an exact response to your description of your unforgiving attitude.

For instance: If your unforgiveness is a black cloud over your Heart, you may see a warm sun coming up and burning off the cloud – or a breeze going through you that clears your Heart.

Or…If your unforgiveness feels like something that has pressed down heavily on your thoughts, you may be shown how to accept a lightness into your Being.

Or…If you feel your unforgiveness is a thick, thorny vine around your ankles, you may be shown how to take a machete and cut yourself free.

Or…If your unforgiveness is stuck in your throat, you may speak barbed words that do not come from your Heart, and you may need to swallow and digest the words and the unforgiveness. Without realizing it, you may actually be hungry for those words!

Let your imagination be your guide. It is of Divine Inspiration and is meant to lead you to resolution.

4) Recite Personal Declarations daily to support your healing intentions.

Optimally recite them (in totality or in part) two times a day, once in the morning upon rising and once in the evening before retiring. Feel free to personalize these declarations or self-craft some brand new ones for yourself. Reciting declarations focuses your thoughts in a productive direction and gives voice to your intentions.

Personal Declarations
to support your healing intentions

There is a part of me
that still wants to hold you responsible for your actions,
a part of me that wants to punish, judge or reject you,
but I now understand the repercussions to myself and you.
I understand that my own spiritual evolution is compromised
by feelings of unforgiveness.

There is a part of me
that still wants to punish, judge or reject myself for my actions,
but I now understand the repercussions of doing this to myself.
I understand how unforgiveness traps me
and interferes with my personal growth.

I release myself from the confines of my unforgiving attitude,
to the best of my ability,
and take a full breath of air that fills the space opened
in my Heart and Soul.

I feel a new space within me,
and I intend to fill it with the life I am meant to live.

My new lightness of Being
allows me to more easily recognize
and move with Divine Inspiration,
and I do so with an openness new to me.

With Gratitude,
I accept the new direction I am traveling.

Walk your life with an open, Forgiving Heart – and walk with ease into the life you are meant to live.

It is absolutely within your potential to do so.

Take a deep breath of Trust and step forward into the rest of your life!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Soul Companions

It is probably hard enough for some of you to accept the possibility of reincarnation let alone this next subject – but since the topic comes up on occasion in my private practice, and did so again recently, I thought I’d share this information with you.

Some of you have become open to the idea of you having a Soul and a unique Soul Mission. Still others have been spiritual seekers for many years and are probably aware of terms like Oversoul or Soul Family. Without going into those definitions here, I want to introduce a new term – Soul Companion.

When I refer to a Soul Companion, I am talking about someone who has traveled in close association with you for many lifetimes. You have Loved them deeply, and they have Loved you. The relationship is a pivotal part of who you are today at Heart.

The Soul Companion relationship is usually person-to-animal where the animal serves your life or you theirs. You know you are in relationship with a Soul Companion when the Love is complete and unconditional, and when the connection is immediate. The dedication between the two is absolutely without boundaries.

Although most Soul Companion relationships are person-to-animal, the two can also both be people. These relationships, though, will be crowded with personal agenda and challenges even if they are Loving. Relationships between humans and animals are examples of a type of unconditional Love that a person-to-person relationship aspires to, but rarely attains.

Most recently I did a reading for a young girl and her very sick horse. I could feel the dedication between the two as being broader and deeper than it could be in one lifetime. When I looked back to their past life relationships, I saw the horse as a lamb that would have frozen to death if the young girl had not slept with him in the barn. The horse had also been a dog that went for help when the same young girl was injured in a snow storm.

The greatest gift of the Soul Companion relationship is that we will out live our companion and be forced to contemplate our loss and their unconditional Love for us. When we lose a trusted, Loved animal in childhood, it may take many years of maturity to wake up the Inner Wisdom required to truly understand the role of the beloved pet in our life.

What of ‘soulmates?’ How does this trendy term relate to what we are talking about here? Soulmates aspire to the same kind of unconditional Love as do partners in a Soul Companion relationship, and maybe we have to lose someone to truly appreciate their place in our lives, but here is something the ‘soulmate’ definition does not include….

You, yourself, could have been the horse or the lamb or the dog! Perhaps uncomfortable to consider, and many writings on reincarnation will tell you otherwise, but I’ve seen it. And like you, I believe it when I see it.

We are so much grander and the possibilities for spiritual evolution so much broader than what we can imagine. From a rigid human perspective, we can barely touch on the infinite possibilities in our evolutionary experience.

Kick off your shoes, feel into your multi-dimensional feet, and wake up to all of who you are!

My work has shown me that no one aspect of life or one species is superior. Again and again, I have been shown that all life and all experience are sacred.

So allow yourself to awaken to the depths of who you are, all the way down to the Soul level where anything and everything is possible – and you are All Things.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Emotional Healing and the Eglabeggel Effect

(Never heard of it? Neither had I!)

Did you know that ‘emotional healing’ is one of the most searched topics on the internet? It is obviously a very important concern for many people.

Although, my work does not exclusively focus on emotional healing, I do work with many emotional issues in my private practice.

Recently a client and I discussed how to heal the drama that surrounds and debilitates her in her life, and we went into a perspective on drama I’d never studied before that was quite remarkable. What follows are some of the most important topics we covered in the session.

We can all feel overwhelmed by the effects of the emotions that consume us when events or situations are more than we can handle. Whatever our dramatic response, (and there are many to choose from), we will carry it around with us for life like unchecked baggage if we do not resolve it.

First things first, though…

What exactly is drama?

· Drama is an attachment to a learned, dysfunctional expression of thought or emotion.

· It is a response that is inappropriate or disproportionate to the trigger itself.

· It can be expressed as sudden anger, biting sarcasm, self-punishing thoughts, feelings of abandonment or addictive behaviors. At the extreme, drama is expressed as violence towards self or others.

· Most tragically, drama will inevitably manifest itself as physical suffering because any unresolved issue will filter down into physical repercussions at some point in our lives. (i.e. headaches, digestive problems, high blood pressure – to name a few.)

Now…this is very important. For those on the spiritual path, who are the people I primarily work with, something very interesting begins to develop in their pursuit of wellness.

Most of them want to disown their drama. It is not attractive and often a source of shame for most spiritual seekers to express wild, hurtful emotions. So rather than heal the drama (because they do not know how), they suppress it.

But this act of disownment only makes the problem worse.

Disowning the Drama in Your Life

Spiritual seekers are very creative with how they deal with their issues.

They have been known to discount them, bury them, burn them or visualize wrapping them up in pretty paper to make them appear acceptable. The problem with these approaches (and I know this because I read energy) is that the drama does not go away. It is Divinely Inspired and, as such, will stay close or recreate itself over and over again until it is healed.

Drama is the call for an integration of What Is – which will reveal the Hidden Teachings it harbors. Disowning thoughts or behaviors will not resolve the underlying drama.

What does the energy of drama look like?

Drama is a living, energetic manifestation of the unresolved. In fact when dramatic expression is suppressed or ignored, it looks like a large, almost human-sized cocoon or pod. It has a reflective mylar-like surface, and moves spasmodically about on the floor near its creator. It flails about knocking into its owner and others, tripping up their pacing.

When you contact someone else’s disowned drama, you can easily lose your footing. This loss of footing can be metaphorical making you lose your train of thought or it can be physical making you trip unexpectedly over the unseen.

This is the Eglabeggel Effect.

Simply put…If drama is disowned, it will spasm on the floor annoyingly touching and bumping up against the creator and others, egging them into accepting the repressed or ignored dynamic, and begging to be healed. The Eglabeggel Effect is the destructive, suppressed dramatic spin off in our lives.

A Side Note:

Although we are talking about this effect in regards to emotional healing, I think that anything disowned that is meant to serve our spiritual growth will behave in a similar fashion.

Since this article became longer and longer as I was editing it, I created an E-report for you. Click HERE and register to download the FREE! E-report of this topic and learn the “12 Steps to Heal Drama in Your Life” and more about the physical repercussions of suppressed drama.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Simple Joy

There was a light in her eyes that came from the inside out.

The little girl in the shopping cart in front of me in the line at the supermarket smiled. It was a smile reflecting her absolute delight with the cookie she was eating.

Her eyes glowed as she held it up for me to see how perfectly delectable it was. It was as if she was holding it up with unconditional reverence on a gold platter.

I smiled back and clapped my hands in rapt approval of her prize. She beamed and took another bite with a natural, dramatic flourish.

“What a lucky girl you are to have such a good cookie!” I exclaimed.
She nodded her agreement vigorously then beamed another radiant smile.

This little girl was in fully present in her experiences and ecstatic. She was unburdened by self doubt and her worthiness to participate in such unadulterated joy – and, free of concerns about the skyrocketing cost of food and gasoline.

The groceries were packed and loaded in the shopping cart, and her mother said, “Wave good bye to the nice lady, Emily.” She did as instructed. I waved back, my connection to pure, innocent joy disappearing as the automatic door closed behind her. Whoosh.

I turned back to my lack-luster life of broccoli and tofu then my eyes lit on the solution! I, too, could create the innocent bliss that had just whooshed out the door. I picked up a Dove bar from the candy display rack, and put it with my other groceries. Ah, the joy I shall have!

The simple joy of being alive is always being offered to us – in smiles, spontaneous connections and chocolate, of course.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Promise Dawning

I have not had much time to share my thoughts with you in the past few weeks. My husband had neck surgery on March 10th where two cervical discs were replaced and four discs were fused together. The days before and after the surgery were filled with many challenges. My husband has had some major hurdles to overcome. Today I am happy to report things are looking much better for him.

I wrote this blog posting the other day in my journal and wanted to share it with you.

It is the first day of spring in the Catskill Mountains of upstate New York, and the wind outside my window crashes down on the wind chimes and sends then into a crazed, whirling dance. The temperature is only 22 degrees, but the morning light holds Promise. Although as I write this the sun has not cleared the mountain top, the sky is brightening – a prelude to the first rays.

It has been raining for days, a reflection of the dark struggle in our house, but today I see a dusting of snow on the porch railing. In the dim light, I can make out three black vultures riding the wind draft whipping through the valley. They make wide and wider circles that bring them farther and father away. I tell them, “There is nothing here to focus your death eyes upon. Be gone!”

Despite the temperature and the wild wind, spring is roaring in with Promise. As the dawn breaks I can feel it in the air around me. When I tune into the energy of Promise I feel an energy vibration of forest green flecked with the iridescent light of expectation.

I see this forest green alive in the tall white pines shifting and flexing in the wind gusts. I see now the first light of expectation in the sun’s rays that are beginning to show themselves. The sun is touching the mountainside and quickly reaching across the length of the mountain.

Promise feels important to this house as my husband recovers from his neck surgery. There have been many weeks in this house of anxiety pre and post the surgery. Late last night my husband’s healing finally shifted towards the Promise of a brighter future – and this morning I welcome the dawn with joyful anticipation!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Energy of Deception

One of my students asked me to reflect on the energy of deception which was appearing big time in his life. As soon as I began my reflection, I was struck by how very pervasive the energy of deception is in international politics, environmental concerns and social issues. It seems to be everywhere on all levels of our lives! Grateful for my student’s request, I share the following thoughts with you. Please feel free to post any questions or comments you might have.

Deception walks with you stealthily when it does.
It is never forthright.
It is of darkness and shadow.

Dedicated to its mission to deceive,
it will stand tall in defense of its position if exposed.

Denial and the manipulation of facts come easy to the Deceiver. The recipient will be looked straight in the eye and their reaction disregarded. The Deceiver is mission driven and strong. On the other hand, the one who discovers they have been deceived will feel deeply cut and betrayed.

When deception is discovered the recipient will stop and search the past frantically for indicators of where the deception began. They will be greatly disturbed to find the shadow of deception behind them – and additionally disturbed by the scope of its influence. The recipient can get lost in feelings of hurt or shame, and remain in the past planning defense strategies.

The recipient of the deception, feeling betrayed and unsafe, will respond in one of two defensive ways – fight or flight. Below is a further breakdown into the responses which are activated when the recipient attempts to reestablish safety and balance in their life:

Fight Response – includes bullying, organizing, manipulating or doting (on the Deceiver)
Flight Response – includes being emotionally withdrawn, immobilized, confused or in complete denial.

Since the perception of the Truth held by the Deceiver is strong, it will be very hard to find a common understanding between the Deceiver and the Betrayed.

The Deceiver knows the Betrayed much better than the Betrayed knows the Deceiver. The Deceiver has watched carefully and twisted information between the two of them to serve self.

The Deceiver has perfected manipulation to 1) stay safe and 2) because the Deceiver firmly believes they deserve what they have set their sights on. Safety and entitlement issues are intertwined.

Confronting the Deceiver may or may not create resolution. Confrontation has the potential to rectify the situation and mend feelings of betrayal – but will not necessarily resolve the reason why the Deceiver visited in the first place.

Guidelines for Action:

If you are good at confrontation, do not confront.
If you are not good at confrontation, do confront.

(All actions should be taken to serve the growth of the self not to punish or humiliate the Deceiver.)

Communication or a meeting of minds is not possible if the deception is maintained.

All personages and situations that cross the individual’s life path are Divinely Inspired. Since this is true then…

Why would an individual call in the energy of deception?

• To be reminded to stay aligned with their Inner Wisdom
• To clarify their relationship to Truth
• To experience the role of the Betrayed
• To challenge the known Truth
• To learn the power of speaking the known Truth
• To learn the power of allowing the untruth a voice

Please note that the energy of deception is never called in for the individual to learn to be less Trusting. The ability to Trust without reservation is an aptitude with a spiritual principle, one which never requires lessening. It may, though, need to be combined with discernment to be more meaningful to life experience. If better discernment is not combined with the energy of deception then the gift is lost and the victim retains the feelings associated with betrayal.

True resolution is in the integration of the gift in the deception.

When the gift is received and the package opened,
the healing begins,
and the Deceiver disappears from your life.

The Gift of Deception

Deception teaches you to discern where to place your Trust. This gift is not about a loss of innocence, but more about, the implementation or awakening of Inner Wisdom.

May you journey with open eyes,
every step an opportunity to grow your Inner Wisdom,
no matter who you walk with.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sleep and Wake are Colliding

I have just started reading Stephen Levine’s poetry in “Breaking the Drought: Visions of Grace” (which is spellbindingly beautiful), and it occurred to me that something I’ve recently been experiencing, and not written about, could be much more adequately expressed in poetry. So…here is the poem that came to me.

Sleep and wake are colliding
and dance with each other
as I marvel.

I am more awake when I sleep,
and more asleep when awake.

Who I am
becomes less and less important than
where I am in Life and Love.

I can not tell if I am dreaming or not.
Is the story I tell
a part of
the wakeful time
or the sleepful time?

Sleep and wake are colliding,
and my excitement grows because
I have never been here before.

Something is changing
larger than me.
I know this
because you tell me the same Wake Sleep Story
that neither one of us finds adequate words for.

I feel my brain reaching
outside of itself and inside of itself
for answers,
for peace,
and I find myself everywhere I look.

If sleep and wake are colliding,
they must be a metaphor for, oh so many
other boundaries blurred.

In the blur,
I find you and me,
or is it me and you? Ha!
Even that is delightfully blurred!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Spiritual Perspective on Fear

Very unfortunately there are many predictions, modern and ancient, that say 2008 will be a year that will trigger fear for most of us.

If we are, at all times, Divinely led then what is the purpose of experiencing fear? Before allowing the prospect of fear to derail your life and set you actually running towards it, let’s talk about what fear is spiritually.

Fear is trapped creativity.

Creativity allows us to think and feel our way beyond our challenges. It allows resolution to be realized. Creativity is the impulse for manifestation, the actual fire of creation.

Fear is a thought/feeling form
that stifles and immobilizes the potential for clear resolution.

Creativity allows for the free and unblocked flow of information that supports our decision making. If we hold onto the thought that things are out of our control, beyond our understanding or our ability to cope then we will manifest a fearful state.

If we hold onto feelings related to fear like depression, despondency or anger, we can become addicted to those feelings. When this happens, the fear feeds off of itself and grows exponentially.

When consumed by fear, we are stunned, immobilized and dominated by the thoughts and feelings associated with it. We think we have no choices and that we are powerless. We are hesitant and unsure of ourselves.

Sometimes people respond to fearful thoughts and feelings with aggression. These people will dominate fearful times, but sadly they will be mentally as unclear and unable to make wise decisions as the person who is fearful and powerless. Being in fear and being led by the fear full is a very serious situation – one which 2008 will probably be gifting us in quantum doses.

How is fear a gift?

In 2008, we are going to hear things that radically challenge our ability to Trust. We will be confused. It will be hard for us to determine where the Truth lies amidst the words and situations that will unfold.

We are all seekers walking our own path – and attempting to live the best life we know how. Whether you are interested in predictions or interested in improving the quality of your own life separate and distinct from the predictions, here are a few things to know, and to take to Heart, in regards to fear.

All thought and feeling forms exist in a nebulous state. Whether that thought/feeling form is rooted in fear or Trust, it is meant to flow to you, touch your life, and to support your personal growth. Thought and feeling forms are What Is. They are to themselves what they are. They offer information to those who welcome them into their lives.

The gift of fear
is that it takes us to the brink of the creative impulse
and invites us to dive in.

The integration of the gift of fear into our lives and to know its Truth, is to know creativity and resolution.

Making It Personal

A pebble thrown into the Lake of You ripples through all of your life. When fear touches your life, it makes a powerful impression on every aspect of you because fear intensifies as it travels across the Lake of You. It has the potential to grow, overflow the banks and spread to others like an unchecked tsunami.

When you heal your relationship to fear by truly understanding its place in your life and the world, you meet your challenges as a spiritual seeker. The lake then calms, and a new day dawns with hope.

• Accept the gift aspect of fear by letting go of the perception that something is before you to make you afraid.
• Open to the possibility that it is before you to teach you something.
• Accept that you have stifled your creativity.
• Release your creativity with your intention to do so.
• Allow it to guide you towards resolution.
• Immerse yourself in the creative impulse to see/hear/feel the Truth of What is and to respond with wisdom.

Fear challenges the most primal aspect of your Being-ness to awaken – your ability to create.

It takes only a small dose of creativity or one inspiring clear, wise thought to reduce a seemingly large, over powering fear to a whimper. Know fear for what it is – and thrive!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I Found Two Mice in the Woodpile

I found two mice today on the top of the woodpile. They were tucked under the tarp thrown over the fourth cord I was working on hauling into the garage for easier access.

Anyone who lives in a cooler climate, as I do, knows that mice set up household where it is warm and safe. In the woodpile, I often find cozy little nests made from milkweed down, twigs and leaves. They are sweet reminders of the presence of these tiny mammals. I respect their place in the web of life, and find them to be amazingly self-sufficient and even cute – as long as they stay outside and do not set up house beneath the sofa or behind the bookshelf in my office.

One mouse gathered birdseed that had dropped to the ground from the feeder outside and had painstakingly hid hundreds of sunflower seeds under the sofa without my knowledge. It was my dog, Buck, who alerted me to the mouse’s presence. Accordingly I set out the humane trap we purchased recently and then the next day, my catch in tow, drove the little bugger six miles away to let him/her go in a new land. (My natural scientist son informs me that the mouse, outside of its protective environment, was probably snatched up and eaten by a hawk within minutes.) I have mixed feelings about his overview, having empathy for the little mouse but also having respect for the intricacies of the web of life that I can hardly profess to understand.

Back to the mice in the woodpile…I found them right after a phone conversation I had with a friend where we were discussing the on-going, serious challenges in the relationship between her and her husband. I had whipped back the tarp and spotted the two mice on top of the woodpile, huddled together, the larger mouse embracing the smaller one. They were, needless to say, still and dead having obviously succumbed to the bitter cold of the previous days.

I was touched by the tenderness of the scene and because the ground was frozen, I carried them as an eternally entwined pair to a spot under a nearby bush, laid them down gently, and released them to Nature to dispose of them.

As I walked back to the woodpile to continue my work, I was struck by the parallel between this precious symbol of deep caring and dedication – and the conversation I’d had with my client. A question begged to be asked:

Are you willing to die in the arms of your present life partner?

If you are, make a warm, safe nest together. Celebrate your relationship! Love joyfully! Love deeply.

If you aren’t, then best to get out of the woodpile today.

It’s simple, Love or Love not. There is no in between. To Love a little or only on Saturdays means you’ve got six days when you will be too cold to thrive.

Thank you, my Earthly companions, for reminding me how important Love is to all of life. Hug your spouse. Hug your children. Hug your dog. Hug your cat. Hey, even, hug a mouse! (metaphorically, of course) But do Love fully and openly.