Social Network Posting


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Mindfulness Inspiration

You can not know where you need to go for resolution and enlightenment – or you would already be there.

With a fresh clear mind, surrender to the journey into the Heart of Self-Love.

There is nothing to change or do – but everything to Be.

Wake up! There is no sleeping on this path!
Feel yourself inhale.
Follow your breath within.
Follow your breath as it leaves you.

Intend to see your life as it really is – not like you think it is.
Intend to see your life for the first time.
Let the veil of your own thoughts, beliefs and opinions drift away allowing you to see Your World and The World as it truly is.

Consciously…choose…to be here…Now.
Pay attention to where you are.

Where you are, in this moment, is perfect for your life’s journey. Listen openly, right here…Now.

You are here, awake and alert without judgment. You are not relaxed into unawareness.

Intend to be fully awake for everything that is You, for everything that is your story.

There is no where to go. You have already arrived.
Be mindfully exactly where you are Now.

Who you are, in this moment, is exactly who you need to be to fulfill your Life’s Mission.

The only moment you are truly alive…is Now.
The only moment where you can affect change is Now.
The only moment you are truly alive is Now…and Now…and Now.

Accept all of what is here Now with an attitude of quiet receptivity.
Receive and Trust.
Accept all that is here Now with infinite Gratitude for What Is.

No matter what is here Now, all of What Is, is perfectly aligned with your answers.
You only need to follow this path, one foot in front of the other, one moment at a time.

If you feel any discomfort, accept it.
Be with your discomfort.
Trust your discomfort is a Divine Teacher leading you to the resolution that will bring you Inner Peace.

Inner Peace waits at the epicenter of your discomfort.

When you find Inner Peace, you are Inner Peace – and it lights up your life for others to bask in.

Relax down into your thoughts.
Make room for all of them.
Welcome the vast potential of you. Suppress nothing.
Self-discover the Divine Interior of your challenges.

See who you truly are, not who you think you are – and find your Radiant Self.

Wake up! There is no sleeping on this path!
Feel yourself inhale.
Follow your breath within.
Follow your breath as it leaves you.

There is no where to go and everything to Be.

Relax down into exactly where you are Now…awake…alert…quietly receptive.

Give yourself permission to go nowhere except to this moment…here…Now.
Do it with clarity, kindness and Love. There is nowhere else to go, but here…Now. This is the Sacred Quest.

Stay with everything that is you. Honor everything here Now.
Allow the vastness of the interior of you to embrace all that is You – every thought, every emotion.

Just Be in this moment as fully as you can.
Come back to You. Focus on You alone. Your body…here Now. Your thoughts…here Now. Your inhale….here Now. Your exhale…here Now.

Pay attention. Be completely awake to What Is.

Make room for any thoughts that want life. Don’t push them away or deny them. Acknowledge them. Let them be.

Allow the spirit of self-discovery to come forward as easily as an emotion or a thought. Allow the ‘a-ha’ to wash through you.

Receive everything with open fingers. Hold nothing. The next moment awaits You.

Sit at the edge of What Is until you can travel deeper.

Acknowledge your likes and your dislikes.
Acknowledge your eagerness and resistance.
Acknowledge the perennial wisdom that flashes through you intermittently offering the light of revelation.
Acknowledge any pain or suffering.
Acknowledge anything unconscious that rises up to greet you without judgment.
Embody an attitude of appreciation for all that is You…here Now.

Suffering is a gift to teach us how to cope.
Suffering can grow out of physical pain.
It can hold us close to emotional distress and mental confusion.
Your degree of suffering is based on your perception of pain.
You alone determine the degree of your suffering.

Your pain and suffering are not You. They are a response to your journey into Dark Lessons.

The only way out of any challenge is through the door that leads within.

Understanding and insight are your salvation…always.
Aspiring to a deeper understanding changes your trajectory in life and directs you towards the Best of What Can Be.

Insight is your inner wisdom speaking.

Cultivate a wider view of who you are…daily – one that includes Joy and Pleasure.

Plant your concerns in the fertile soil of your inner wisdom, and fertilize the best possible outcome with what is here Now for you.

Experience…Let go…Hold nothing.

Wake up! There is no sleeping on this path!
Feel yourself inhale.
Follow your breath within.
Follow your breath as it leaves you.

Dare to dream the dream beyond the dream imaginable!
Find Inner Peace here… the dreaming.

Dare to ask for True Wellness!
Find Inner Peace here…Now…in this request.

Dare to ask to be embraced by the Love of the Divine.
Find Inner Peace here…Now…as you bask in the light of Love.

Dare to Love yourself unconditionally!
Find Inner Peace here…Now…as you breathe into Love.

Wake up to the Love being offered to you in every situation whether you perceive that situation as good or bad.

Wake up to the Love being offered to you in every relationship you have whether you perceive that relationship as supportive or challenging.

Wake up to the Love bubbling up from within the epicenter of You.
Wake up to the Love of the Divine, freely given.
Wake up to the Love of the Divine showered onto you and through you,
the Love of the Divine with you always…awakened…remembered…Now.

Be awake.
Be aware.
Be the neutral observer.
Be the wise sage.
Be the patient, reverent participant in all that is You.

Ride all sensations, thoughts and emotions – with Trust.
Be present in What Is…here…Now.


lcekinci said...

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Your inspiration uplifts the World. The Truth you speak is so needed in our Times. Just reading your words brings me to a higher energy. Your words have wings. With Gratitude for your Being,

lcekinci said...

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Your inspiration uplifts the World. The Truth you speak is so needed in our Times. Just reading your words brings me to a higher energy. Your words have wings. With Gratitude for your Being,

Corinne S. Ramage said...

Thank you, Lorraine, for your supportive comments. It is wonderful to know when my efforts to serve hit Home - and Heart. To Wellness and Beyond! Corinne