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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Spiritual Implications of Illness and Dysfunction - The Common 'Cold'


There are many factors that contribute to the descent down into illness and dysfunction.

Stress and fatigue are two factors that have a detrimental effect on physical health and overall well-being. They create repercussions that can be mental, emotional and physical in nature. How stress and fatigue impact on well-being will directly relate to the individual’s ability to cope with life’s challenges.

Feelings of self-doubt and unworthiness interfere with clarity of thought and the ability to accomplish task. Without a functional ability to follow through on the intention for wellness, it can not be achieved – and then the resulting stress and fatigue open the doorway for illness.

It is knowledge acquired that changes how we respond to the What Is in life – and equips us with the skills to cope in new, meaningful ways.

In the top-down Spirit-Body approach to wellness, the illness is recognized as actually beginning in the spiritual body with a break in Trust, Truth, Faith and/or unconditional Love.

This series of articles called “The Spiritual Implications of Illness and Dysfunction” offer explorations into how and why the Spirit-Body approach to well-being is worth careful consideration.

The first article is about the common ‘cold’ because it is a major stressor worldwide as the seasons change.

To a deeper understanding the leads the way to wellness!


Why Do We Catch ‘Colds?’

There is little information anywhere on why we actually catch ‘colds.’ Although there are an abundance of prescriptions and over-the-counter medications to ease symptoms, nobody has yet found a way to prevent colds.

The most prevalent thinking is to eradicate ‘colds’ with a drug regiment or a vaccine, but as a spiritual counselor and a student of energy anatomy, I have a slightly different perspective.

First, I assume there is Divine Inspiration behind ‘colds’ which means there is something being communicated to us when we get sick. (A Dark Teacher is speaking to us any time we suffer – and a ‘cold’ qualifies as suffering.)

Secondly, I want to know the exact energy dynamic of a ‘cold.’

And lastly, I want to know why we catch ‘colds’ or what the Divine is shouting for us to hear. When I understand the spiritual components, I feel I can make recommendations as to how to prevent ‘colds’ all together.

How a ‘Cold’ Begins

You actually do catch ‘colds.’ The energy dynamic that creates a ‘cold’ is always around you but to actually succumb to its possibilities (sneezing, coughing, sore throat, congestion, fever, headache), you have to literally catch that ‘cold’ as it passes by or through your life.

“Nature abhors a vacuum.” It’s true – and when you lose your ground in that which is enriching, a vacuum occurs. Instead of being filled to overflowing with the productive and supportive, you disconnect (most often unconsciously) from that which brings you comfort or Inner Peace. It is not your alignment with that which creates the vacuum but the act of losing your footing in The Meaningful that is the problem.

(For more information on The Meaningful, click on the link for a previous article.)

If you stop on the path of life and find yourself going through a litany of self-doubting, harsh judgments like “What a fool I’ve been! I’m going nowhere! I hate my life! Why did I do that?! What was I thinking when I said that?!” – you very effectively create a vacuum.

The Breakdown Continues

Here is something you know…Stress has a major impact on your immune system’s ability to tolerate the introduction of a viral, bacterial or fungal bombardment on your physical body.

But here is something you probably don’t know…When you unplug from your life, even fleetingly, you run the risk of inviting those same agents of misfortunate health consequences to set up camp. And here is the kicker…your physical body registers your intentions (or lack of them thereof) with biochemical changes in about 1/100 of a second! (Not a scientific fact, artistic liberty) So even before you consciously recognize your digression into unproductive thinking, your physical body has already responded.

But, good news! You can counter those thoughts and do your best to align with the highest good – in the next second and rectify what has happened. There is always a thought or an intention that can bring you back into balance.

Punishing self-talk and doubt create fertile ground for a ‘cold’ to take hold. They are negative expressions of potential that become manifest in your energy system when you create a vacuum. Negative expression resonates with a vacuum. The vacuum opens the door to the most similar, negative energy in your vicinity. This will be a ‘cold’ or any other dynamic that creates poor health. (i.e. strep throat, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia)

Side Note: We are receiving the effects of self-destructive thought and self-talk that creates a pathway for illness. Notice that this pathway follows the path of your breath. Illness will manifest where your breath travels with the negative expression.

Meanwhile productive, enriching thoughts and self-talk align you with more of the same and good, physical health. This is just the way energy works. Like attracts like. (This is true unless an agreement on the Soul level is creating the dysfunction. More about this later in this series.)

Manifesting a ‘Cold’

If the descent into negative expression continues and the fertile ground of doubt becomes fear, then Trust is broke, Faith wavers, and the still point where your own Wisdom guides you, lost in the fog of the approaching ‘cold’ – and you officially become ill and go down for a count of 7-10 days.

In general, doubt and fear are the initial, negative expressions of potential that create a broadening expansive vacuum in your energy system. Unless you stop the process of devolution, you will get sick in direct relationship to its depth and configuration.

What Does a ‘Cold’ Look Like Energetically?

A ‘cold’ looks like a fog, a dense gray vapor, which first appears in your lungs then travels to the weakest point in you.

If you primarily have thoughts that are misaligned from your intentions, you will get a head cold with congestion directly in proportion to the depth of your distrust, lack of confidence in self or the situation, or fear of what is happening.

If you have said things you deeply regret, a sore throat (or strep throat) will manifest.

If you have felt things were radically wrong in your life and were depressed or felt trapped, your fear of life will manifest in your lungs themselves. Depending on the depth of your fear, the vacuum may even fill with the dynamics of viral or bacterial pneumonia.

Plan of Action: How Not to Catch a ‘Cold’

You already have your best defense – KNOWLEDGE! With conscious awareness, you can make different, more productive choices. For instance:

1) Even though the process of descent begins immediately, you will have to think quite a number of self-doubting, harsh judgments before you manifest a ‘cold.’ That being said, then as soon as you catch yourself digressing – STOP!
• Relax.
• Sit down.
• Make it your primary new intention to come back to The Meaningful. Ask yourself, “Where is the Divine weaving through this situation? Since I am ever-supported, what am I not seeing or hearing?”
• Look and listen for The Meaningful. Even if it is not evident, turning your focus towards it makes all the difference.

2) If you have said something you regret, feel haunted by ‘what-if’ scenarios, or feel guilty then make amends as soon as possible!

3) If you feel your life is radically misaligned from your intentions, get help! because a cold is the least of your possible health manifestations. Do not continue another day along this path. Seek out professional help or begin to restructure your life immediately.

For instance, if you want to be vibrant and accomplished and you are working a job where your abilities are ignored, get yourself fully on track with vibrancy and move towards accomplishment.

If you want to live an active, healthy, lifestyle and eat poorly and are overweight then make new, strong commitments to yourself and create a support system that keeps you on track.

If you desire a close, intimate relationship then become the best person you can be, first.

In Conclusion

If the life you lead is misaligned from your best intentions, do not continue another day along this path. Work it out or restructure your life immediately.

If you get frequent ‘colds’ or low grade infections, you probably know exactly where your life is out of sync with your desires because your illness will hi-light them.

If you believe ‘colds’ build your immune system then you will be gifted many ‘colds’ and a vigilant immune system – and by all means immerse yourself in your beliefs!

But…if you do not believe in the inevitability of “colds’ then choose otherwise. A ‘cold’ is a mild indicator that we are out of alignment with our intentions. From a ‘cold’ it is a relatively easy way back to fulfillment – if you consider the other, more dire health consequences possible.

Begin today to make changes that serve your well-being.

Choose not to catch a ‘cold.’
Fill yourself with thoughts aligned with your dreams and highest intentions.

Until next time…Be well!

Forward this issue to anyone you feel can benefit from its contents, and if you choose to reproduce this article, please include the personal info below. Thanks!

Written by Corinne S. Ramage, Leader in True Wellness® Studies
Creator of The Spiritual Healthcare Network of online programs
Author of “The Art and Practice of True Wellness”


Snoogleboogle said...

I found this really helpfull. Encouraging me to reflect about aspects of my life where I may have habbits and beliefs not aligned with my highest benefit.

Unknown said...

Excellent article and extremely eye opening, thank you!

Unknown said...

I had just experienced a break-up and was feeling so broken-hearted. I had a bad headache, sore throat and pain wrapped all around my body but the energy I felt from my heart... I knew I literally had made myself sick. Honestly, I do not know how I could of prevented this. There was no way I was going to walk away from that situation not believing all that negative self-talk. I appreciate the full breakdown of how a cold manifests and why. It reminded me that I could change my sickness once I decided that I didnt need to suffer for my decision to fall for the wrong person