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Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Search for ‘The Meaningful’ Inspires Hope

When it surfaces, The Meaningful stops us on the path of life.
We are stunned by its beauty and relevance,
and nothing is ever the same again.

The Meaningful eludes us when life becomes too complicated or senseless. Without The Meaningful making an occasional appearance in our lives, we lose our way. We retreat into a frightening disconnected reality where we feel alone, confused and unmotivated. An array of physical complications set in like fatigue, headaches and muscle pains. Without The Meaningful, life can feel as if it is not worth living.

The Meaningful, though, is always with us. We can not always see it or feel it – but it is with us hidden in the shadows or just beneath the surface of What Is. If we have lost our ability to see, hear or feel it, we will have to attune with it and search it out.

Our lives are made up of a number of seemingly discordant and also harmonious events. We feel despondent when things configure in ways that are unfathomable or illogical. We feel elated when events align in ways that support our personal goals. Neither of these experiences will be lasting unless we incorporate them into our lives.

When we incorporate or integrate all of our experiences both the discordant and the quick-fix-harmonious, we see beyond them, our world shifts and reconfigures, and life feels balanced again. It is when the heavens tilt slightly and give us a new perception of the familiar, that The Meaningful is discovered. This can not happen unless we direct our focus or attune to The Meaningful. But exactly what are we attuning to?

Recently I advised a client concerned about a number of difficult issues, to focus on The Meaningful and to let the rest go. She had every intention of doing this, and is actually very good at following through with her commitments to herself, but she found this assignment a challenge. She is a very sensory person who fully understands the energies of Gratitude, Discernment and Truth, but she could not get a firm grasp on the assignment and asked me a day later, “What is The Meaningful? What exactly am I reaching for?” What great questions!

'The Meaningful' Defined

The Meaningful is our Heart or Soul speaking. It is what wakes us up to the calling within or our destiny. It directs us towards what we must move towards to feel fulfilled.

The Meaningful has archetypal significance. The birth of a child, a breath taking sunset or even an untimely death are all events that can bring us to our knees in awe and gratitude, changing our perception of ourselves.

An athlete may discover that competition is motivating but that personal triumph has far greater impact on their sense of accomplishment.

A woman drowning in feelings of ineptness or failure may discover that she never was inept just believed she was – and so rise from the ashes of her life with newfound strength.

A man having lost a job and a pension package late in life may discover he has a true gift for painting the feelings of angst.

Someone plagued with a life long disability may discover how that disability led them to the exact people and situations that brought them Inner Peace.

The death of a loved one may inspire someone to powerfully assist others in their grief or to discover the cure for an illness.

Bringing ‘The Meaningful’ into Focus

When we set our intention to self-discover The Meaningful, many factors we perceive as the absolute Truth begin to gently reposition themselves. The chaotic theater of events and thoughts that is our perceptual base, morphs into a cohesive and brilliant work of art. The stage blurs, there is a dazzling display of lights and effects – and then The Meaningful is revealed. We may have to stay with the chaotic vision and feelings for awhile but as long as we stay clear with our intention, The Meaningful will reveal itself.

We will recognize The Meaningful because it is well defined – not muted, pastel or non-descript. It has a clear voice that tells us the answer. It is a spot of light shining on the perception of life that fulfills or enriches us. The quintessential factors important to who we are step forward for our consideration, and we applaud!

When The Meaningful emerges, we emit a great sigh of relief. We are awash with a sense of Peace that comes with the realization that the Truth has been revealed. We see what we didn’t before. We grasp the ‘why,’ and everything else drops away into insignificance. The magnitude of the relevance fills us to overflowing with understanding. We are washed over and through with this understanding, and we feel Peaceful, replete, and full of Hope.

What to Do: Specifics

When we think things don’t make sense or we are bored or depressed with life, we must stop and ask ourselves, “Where is The Meaningful in this situation?”

If our actions are distancing us from The Meaningful, we must tweak our actions. We can not, though, change how we live life unless we first intend to find The Meaningful – and then anything that is insignificant or lacks meaning will drop away. The meaningless simply can not exist in the same place or time as The Meaningful.

The Meaningful is in everything and everywhere.
When it makes its dazzling appearance,
we feel blessed down to our very bones,
and everything changes and reconfigures for us –
and that is definitely Hopeful!

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Written by Corinne S. Ramage, Leader in True Wellness® Studies
Creator of The Spiritual Healthcare Network of online programs
Author of “The Art and Practice of True Wellness”

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