Social Network Posting


Monday, August 13, 2007

The Fruitless Pursuit of the 'Why?'

There are so many things that interfere with us feeling truly well – but of particular importance is our often fruitless pursuit of the ‘why?’

Knowing the ‘why’ is a double edged sword and useful only when it is acknowledged for the purpose of promoting healing. When it is not, then our lives grind to a halt and we feel unresolved. Left feeling unresolved, we move to either apathy, anger or depression.

For instance, knowing the answer to the ‘why’ you lost your job is useful if you use the information for careful self evaluation, and as a result make yourself a valuable future employee.

Knowing the answer to the ‘why’ it is not useful if you use the information to gossip, to force allegiance from your former co-workers, to create a vengeful attitude or as justification for bad behavior.

Why do some good, hard-working people lose their homes? The question can make us angry but that wouldn’t solve the tragedy.

It is only when we are motivated to find resolve by the question that we are able to come to terms with our feelings. It is only when we perform a positive or constructive action that we find Inner Peace.

So what happens when there is no answer to the ‘why?’

Why do children die? The question is not really answerable.

Why do the unscrupulous manage to thrive? The question is frustrating to contemplate.

Why did my father hit me and my mother never actually see me? I won’t ever know the true answers to those questions, but I have discovered a level of comfort in realizing they did the best they knew how. And I really believe that.

I have learned from my spiritual studies that the Divine speaks in All Things – which is an important spiritual concept to consider. When I presume that the Divine is speaking, I have to let go. It is then, and only then, that my reflection takes on a very different tone. I know that if I have not found the gold in the dark folds of my life, I must look again with new eyes. Self-revelation always starts with letting go.

If we get stuck in the pursuit of ‘why’ to the detriment of resolution, we must do our best to let go. Beyond confusion, anger, thoughts of revenge or depression is the Inner Peace we are searching for.

I personally believe that when there is no clear or obvious answer, we are to do our best to accept What Is. In our acceptance, we stay open to the possibility of resolution or revelation. If we close the door on the potential for revelation and operate out of any restricting emotion such as anger or depression then our resistance will not allow us to heal.

When we do not know our answers…the challenge is to surrender to What Is and see what unfolds. Our goal is healing, resolution and Inner Peace.

Let go and trust the answer will be self-evident and available to you exactly when you need it.

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