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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Emotional Healing and the Eglabeggel Effect

(Never heard of it? Neither had I!)

Did you know that ‘emotional healing’ is one of the most searched topics on the internet? It is obviously a very important concern for many people.

Although, my work does not exclusively focus on emotional healing, I do work with many emotional issues in my private practice.

Recently a client and I discussed how to heal the drama that surrounds and debilitates her in her life, and we went into a perspective on drama I’d never studied before that was quite remarkable. What follows are some of the most important topics we covered in the session.

We can all feel overwhelmed by the effects of the emotions that consume us when events or situations are more than we can handle. Whatever our dramatic response, (and there are many to choose from), we will carry it around with us for life like unchecked baggage if we do not resolve it.

First things first, though…

What exactly is drama?

· Drama is an attachment to a learned, dysfunctional expression of thought or emotion.

· It is a response that is inappropriate or disproportionate to the trigger itself.

· It can be expressed as sudden anger, biting sarcasm, self-punishing thoughts, feelings of abandonment or addictive behaviors. At the extreme, drama is expressed as violence towards self or others.

· Most tragically, drama will inevitably manifest itself as physical suffering because any unresolved issue will filter down into physical repercussions at some point in our lives. (i.e. headaches, digestive problems, high blood pressure – to name a few.)

Now…this is very important. For those on the spiritual path, who are the people I primarily work with, something very interesting begins to develop in their pursuit of wellness.

Most of them want to disown their drama. It is not attractive and often a source of shame for most spiritual seekers to express wild, hurtful emotions. So rather than heal the drama (because they do not know how), they suppress it.

But this act of disownment only makes the problem worse.

Disowning the Drama in Your Life

Spiritual seekers are very creative with how they deal with their issues.

They have been known to discount them, bury them, burn them or visualize wrapping them up in pretty paper to make them appear acceptable. The problem with these approaches (and I know this because I read energy) is that the drama does not go away. It is Divinely Inspired and, as such, will stay close or recreate itself over and over again until it is healed.

Drama is the call for an integration of What Is – which will reveal the Hidden Teachings it harbors. Disowning thoughts or behaviors will not resolve the underlying drama.

What does the energy of drama look like?

Drama is a living, energetic manifestation of the unresolved. In fact when dramatic expression is suppressed or ignored, it looks like a large, almost human-sized cocoon or pod. It has a reflective mylar-like surface, and moves spasmodically about on the floor near its creator. It flails about knocking into its owner and others, tripping up their pacing.

When you contact someone else’s disowned drama, you can easily lose your footing. This loss of footing can be metaphorical making you lose your train of thought or it can be physical making you trip unexpectedly over the unseen.

This is the Eglabeggel Effect.

Simply put…If drama is disowned, it will spasm on the floor annoyingly touching and bumping up against the creator and others, egging them into accepting the repressed or ignored dynamic, and begging to be healed. The Eglabeggel Effect is the destructive, suppressed dramatic spin off in our lives.

A Side Note:

Although we are talking about this effect in regards to emotional healing, I think that anything disowned that is meant to serve our spiritual growth will behave in a similar fashion.

Since this article became longer and longer as I was editing it, I created an E-report for you. Click HERE and register to download the FREE! E-report of this topic and learn the “12 Steps to Heal Drama in Your Life” and more about the physical repercussions of suppressed drama.