Another Full Moon (called a Blue Moon) is here on the last day of December to ease our passage into 2010.
(The last Blue Moon on December 31st was in 1990.)
The double blessings of a Full Moon are being offered to us as we begin the New Year. 2010 begins with the gifts of the Full Moon times two!
What is the symbolic meaning of a Full Moon?
Power, crystal clear thought, light, understanding, and fruition. (Double all of these gifts and you have today!)
In addition to these symbolic energies, the Native American tradition has another explanation. The Full Moon in December is called the ‘Long Night Moon.’ We have just crossed the December 21st Winter Solstice and are still embraced by the spiritual offerings associated with Darkness (or the ‘Long Night’) which are restoration and introspection.
If you put all of this together, it means that 2010 begins with a Blue Moon that promises restoration, introspection, and a double dose of the light of understanding!
May we all know
that the many challenges of 2009
will make us infinitely wiser with our actions in 2010.
May we all welcome
the potential for powerful thought,
and the breakthrough to a wisdom
that serves the Highest Good.
May we ready ourselves
for an understanding of ourselves and others
that lights the way to Right Action through Compassionate Intention.
Special Announcement!
World Day of Compassionate Intention
May 25, 2010
Begin to Ready Yourself…Participate…Share the Message
…All you need is a caring Heart…
Lesson 3 of the FREE 'Compassion Studies' TeleMeditations is on January 4th
Click HERE to Register for email reminders and audio links
Click HERE to listen to past audios of Lessons 1 and 2
The Best of What Can Be in 2010 begins TODAY.
Everything is aligned for your success!
Learn more about this exciting new work at
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
The Blessings in the House of You

In the House of You, there lives
…wisdom and impulsivity,
…compassion and carelessness,
…clarity and confusion.
In the House of You, there is someone who is radiantly healthy and someone who makes dubious choices about their well-being.
There is someone in the House of You who is dedicated to task and someone who vacillates.
A courageous leader who fights for what they believe in and a submissive follower afraid to disobey also live in the House of You…along with a devoted seeker deeply Faithful, and a doubtful seeker who feels abandoned.
There is a confident person who is at ease with What Is, and a frightened child lost in What Is.
In the House of You, there is a Truth seeker and a Truth slayer.
There is a compassionate healer, and there is a tortured soul.
There is someone who aspires to create harmony, and someone who knows they have the potential to create disharmony.
You can manifest great things. You can derail a train.
You can speak words that nurture. You can breathe fire that burns.
You are All Things on some days.
You are some things of other days.
You are perfectly crafted to fulfill your promises to yourself and your Soul Mission. You have a depth of character that aspires to know All That Is by exploring the multitude of possibilities available to you.
Every moment you experience life brings you close to Personal Fulfillment whether you travel that moment in the light of the Sun or the dark of the New Moon.
You are the Blessing in the House of You this holiday season – and I am honored to celebrate you!
Love to All, Corinne – your fellow traveler and True Wellness® Enthusiast
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Herpes Simplex Virus: Lessons in Self-Responsibility and Personal Truth
From “The Spiritual Implications of Illness and Dysfunction” Series
Our goal is to live the life gifted to us
aligned with ‘The Meaningful”
and Loving to our fullest potential.
All dysfunction begins on the spiritual level of our Beingness in some form of misunderstanding or misalignment with information. The trickle down of this misalignment creates the potential for manifestation mentally, emotionally and/or physically. In all dysfunction, the silent prayer is for the awakening of self-awareness.
Please Note: This work is about your spiritual growth. It does not negate or judge any medical advice. It is meant to work in harmony with all allopathic recommendations, unless otherwise stated.
The Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2
The medical community considers HSV to be a lifelong infection. Transmitted during close contact with the skin, saliva or genitals of an infected person, it is characterized by outbreaks on the face (known as cold sores or fever blisters) and the genital area. (Genital outbreaks are usually associated with HSV-2 but can also occur with HSV-1.)
General Read of HSV:
While HSV is a complex genome that replicates quickly, it has a slow, low vibration. It travels where there is pleasure. Wherever it goes it sets up home in that location, sneaking into the nervous system unseen and unwelcome.
HSV settles itself in the physical body and remains there most of the time comfortably quiet and unobtrusive. Although it chooses to not speak very often and to stay firmly rooted in its residence, HSV makes its presence known periodically in an outbreak.
Spiritual Read of HSV:
HSV Themes: seduction, touch, secrecy and drama
Healing Themes: personal Truth and self-responsibility
HSV hides or hibernates in the nervous system. It awakens periodically to seek out companionship. The virus loves drama and physical trauma. Because it lacks intelligence and self definition, it feels alive when its presence is known – and wants to share of itself selfishly calling in others to make ‘contact’ with it.
HSV lures others to itself in a seductive manner and shamelessly begs for them to touch. It leaves its mark on others in outbreaks that are a part of its dramatic flare.
There does, though, have to be a ‘ground of compliance’ on the Soul level for the HSV to take hold in the individual’s system. This will not be conscious but related to feelings of emptiness where a physical connection and the “need to please” meet and fill the void.
The Specific Dynamics of HSV in the Infected Person
The physical and emotional dynamics of HSV are the most obvious consequence of this viral infection. Healing, though, can only occur with a clear understanding of all implications.
Note: I believe there is the potential for us as human beings to heal All Things – even though, the medical community believes otherwise in the case of HSV.
There is discomfort and pain when an outbreak occurs. Symptoms are such that they can not be ignored.
HSV triggers a wide range of emotional responses that range from guilt to depression, from feelings of loss to blame, from denial to anger – to name a few.
The consequences of actions are realized in the physical manifestation of HSV. Depending on the individual, thoughts will relate to issues of self-judgment, isolation, blame and/or vengeance.
Issues related to self-responsibility and personal Truth are forced. Without the knowledge about the deeper meaning of the HSV, the spiral of devolution continues with the thoughts from the mental plane creating a loss of Trust and Faith in What Is. These thoughts along with their partnered emotions maintain the physical condition.
The Shadow Aspect of HSV
HSV carries a shadow energy with it because of it’s stigma in society. With most viruses, the individual does not knowingly welcome it. In the case of HSV, even if the partner’s condition is known, the individual’s impulsivity may be the default deciding factor to the contact.
HSV is a cloud-like energy that is not clearly defined. It drifts, and although lazy, it is not entrenched and will go where it is called. It loves to be in the middle of the need to please. It rides or piggybacks on this need to become manifest. It forces Truth of actions taken that were meant to be hidden or secret.
Soul Mission Qualities
These are some general Soul qualities of the individual journeying with HSV.
• A willingness to walk with Dark Teachers through difficult challenges
• A dedication to personal Truth
• A need to find self by challenging the definition of self
• A sincere interest in companioning with others in personal and meaningful ways.
Soul Mission Challenges
This individual is more than likely to travel many similar challenging paths until the challenges are met.
• Since companionship is very important, issues of discretion and impulsivity will be present to be healed.
• Taking responsibility for the repercussions of personal actions will be a Life Theme.
A Healing Plan
Journaling is highly recommended to organize your thoughts, and to create a document to share with someone you trust or your spiritual community.
Physical Care
Powering up for a battle is not needed but can work for individuals who feel innately powerless in their lives. HPV already powers up parts of the immune system putting it into a defensive, fighting posture.
Emotional Wellness
Meditate on feeling Self-Kindness. Accept of What Is fully and connect to the feelings associated with courage and inner strength.
Mental Clarity
Meditate on personal resolve, rallying inner strength, finding clarity, developing focus, finding a life purpose, being self-responsible.
Spiritual Understanding
HSV is secretive, seductive and elusive but also not strong or intelligent. Positioning for the Highest Good best serves healing. HSV also wakes up the call to serve and interact with wisdom – as well as, the call for personal Truth. Reflection on personal mission and a dedication to the Clear Path will also serve the healing plan.
Reading of the Divine Mission to HSV
HSV powers up the immune system in very specific ways that create a ground of resistance to a future viral strain. This does not mean the HSV must remain active to serve this purpose. It can be healed, present or lie completely dormant and contained to have the same effect. The same homeopathic principle holds true for many present day inoculations which contain the very virus they are meant to resist.
Personal Declarations to Support Healing HSV
Personal declarations are best utilized when recited softly out loud two times a day – once in the morning upon rising and once in the evening before retiring. They can, of course, be printed out or copied out, kept on-person, and recited as needed. Journaling around thoughts and feelings is highly recommended as is conferring with a professional therapist or counselor who supports the healing intentions of the individual.
Personal Declarations to Support Healing HSV
I look to fill myself with the things that enrich my well-being.
I let go of my need to lure others into my circle of friends
Trusting that they will like me for who I am at Heart.
I choose to companion a Trust in the Best of What Can Be.
I am setting myself on the path of personal fulfillment.
I have everything I need in this moment to feel complete.
I intend to move forward without judgment, blame or guilt.
I do my best to take full responsibility for my life.
This includes taking full responsibility for my emotions and thoughts.
I rally the inner strength and courage I know I have within me.
I Trust that the Highest Good is being served in this moment.
To a true and lasting sense of well-being…Corinne
Forward this issue to anyone you feel can benefit from its contents, and if you choose to reproduce this article, please include the personal info below. Thanks!
Written by Corinne S. Ramage, Leader in True Wellness® Studies
Creator of The Spiritual Healthcare Network of online programs
Author of “The Art and Practice of True Wellness” and many other enlightening and inspiring books
Enriching Opportunities:
The next teleMeditation called “The Energy of Compassion” is scheduled for December 14th. Be sure to check out the past audios in the “Spiritual Implications of Life’s Journey” series - and be sure to register for updates about the teleMeditations while are there.
True Wellness Opportunities are fully addressed in the book called “The Art and Practice of True Wellness” and in the 16 month, opt-in anytime online program called “Touch Stones to True Wellness.”
Our goal is to live the life gifted to us
aligned with ‘The Meaningful”
and Loving to our fullest potential.
All dysfunction begins on the spiritual level of our Beingness in some form of misunderstanding or misalignment with information. The trickle down of this misalignment creates the potential for manifestation mentally, emotionally and/or physically. In all dysfunction, the silent prayer is for the awakening of self-awareness.
Please Note: This work is about your spiritual growth. It does not negate or judge any medical advice. It is meant to work in harmony with all allopathic recommendations, unless otherwise stated.
The Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2
The medical community considers HSV to be a lifelong infection. Transmitted during close contact with the skin, saliva or genitals of an infected person, it is characterized by outbreaks on the face (known as cold sores or fever blisters) and the genital area. (Genital outbreaks are usually associated with HSV-2 but can also occur with HSV-1.)
General Read of HSV:
While HSV is a complex genome that replicates quickly, it has a slow, low vibration. It travels where there is pleasure. Wherever it goes it sets up home in that location, sneaking into the nervous system unseen and unwelcome.
HSV settles itself in the physical body and remains there most of the time comfortably quiet and unobtrusive. Although it chooses to not speak very often and to stay firmly rooted in its residence, HSV makes its presence known periodically in an outbreak.
Spiritual Read of HSV:
HSV Themes: seduction, touch, secrecy and drama
Healing Themes: personal Truth and self-responsibility
HSV hides or hibernates in the nervous system. It awakens periodically to seek out companionship. The virus loves drama and physical trauma. Because it lacks intelligence and self definition, it feels alive when its presence is known – and wants to share of itself selfishly calling in others to make ‘contact’ with it.
HSV lures others to itself in a seductive manner and shamelessly begs for them to touch. It leaves its mark on others in outbreaks that are a part of its dramatic flare.
There does, though, have to be a ‘ground of compliance’ on the Soul level for the HSV to take hold in the individual’s system. This will not be conscious but related to feelings of emptiness where a physical connection and the “need to please” meet and fill the void.
The Specific Dynamics of HSV in the Infected Person
The physical and emotional dynamics of HSV are the most obvious consequence of this viral infection. Healing, though, can only occur with a clear understanding of all implications.
Note: I believe there is the potential for us as human beings to heal All Things – even though, the medical community believes otherwise in the case of HSV.
There is discomfort and pain when an outbreak occurs. Symptoms are such that they can not be ignored.
HSV triggers a wide range of emotional responses that range from guilt to depression, from feelings of loss to blame, from denial to anger – to name a few.
The consequences of actions are realized in the physical manifestation of HSV. Depending on the individual, thoughts will relate to issues of self-judgment, isolation, blame and/or vengeance.
Issues related to self-responsibility and personal Truth are forced. Without the knowledge about the deeper meaning of the HSV, the spiral of devolution continues with the thoughts from the mental plane creating a loss of Trust and Faith in What Is. These thoughts along with their partnered emotions maintain the physical condition.
The Shadow Aspect of HSV
HSV carries a shadow energy with it because of it’s stigma in society. With most viruses, the individual does not knowingly welcome it. In the case of HSV, even if the partner’s condition is known, the individual’s impulsivity may be the default deciding factor to the contact.
HSV is a cloud-like energy that is not clearly defined. It drifts, and although lazy, it is not entrenched and will go where it is called. It loves to be in the middle of the need to please. It rides or piggybacks on this need to become manifest. It forces Truth of actions taken that were meant to be hidden or secret.
Soul Mission Qualities
These are some general Soul qualities of the individual journeying with HSV.
• A willingness to walk with Dark Teachers through difficult challenges
• A dedication to personal Truth
• A need to find self by challenging the definition of self
• A sincere interest in companioning with others in personal and meaningful ways.
Soul Mission Challenges
This individual is more than likely to travel many similar challenging paths until the challenges are met.
• Since companionship is very important, issues of discretion and impulsivity will be present to be healed.
• Taking responsibility for the repercussions of personal actions will be a Life Theme.
A Healing Plan
Journaling is highly recommended to organize your thoughts, and to create a document to share with someone you trust or your spiritual community.
Physical Care
Powering up for a battle is not needed but can work for individuals who feel innately powerless in their lives. HPV already powers up parts of the immune system putting it into a defensive, fighting posture.
Emotional Wellness
Meditate on feeling Self-Kindness. Accept of What Is fully and connect to the feelings associated with courage and inner strength.
Mental Clarity
Meditate on personal resolve, rallying inner strength, finding clarity, developing focus, finding a life purpose, being self-responsible.
Spiritual Understanding
HSV is secretive, seductive and elusive but also not strong or intelligent. Positioning for the Highest Good best serves healing. HSV also wakes up the call to serve and interact with wisdom – as well as, the call for personal Truth. Reflection on personal mission and a dedication to the Clear Path will also serve the healing plan.
Reading of the Divine Mission to HSV
HSV powers up the immune system in very specific ways that create a ground of resistance to a future viral strain. This does not mean the HSV must remain active to serve this purpose. It can be healed, present or lie completely dormant and contained to have the same effect. The same homeopathic principle holds true for many present day inoculations which contain the very virus they are meant to resist.
Personal Declarations to Support Healing HSV
Personal declarations are best utilized when recited softly out loud two times a day – once in the morning upon rising and once in the evening before retiring. They can, of course, be printed out or copied out, kept on-person, and recited as needed. Journaling around thoughts and feelings is highly recommended as is conferring with a professional therapist or counselor who supports the healing intentions of the individual.
Personal Declarations to Support Healing HSV
I look to fill myself with the things that enrich my well-being.
I let go of my need to lure others into my circle of friends
Trusting that they will like me for who I am at Heart.
I choose to companion a Trust in the Best of What Can Be.
I am setting myself on the path of personal fulfillment.
I have everything I need in this moment to feel complete.
I intend to move forward without judgment, blame or guilt.
I do my best to take full responsibility for my life.
This includes taking full responsibility for my emotions and thoughts.
I rally the inner strength and courage I know I have within me.
I Trust that the Highest Good is being served in this moment.
To a true and lasting sense of well-being…Corinne
Forward this issue to anyone you feel can benefit from its contents, and if you choose to reproduce this article, please include the personal info below. Thanks!
Written by Corinne S. Ramage, Leader in True Wellness® Studies
Creator of The Spiritual Healthcare Network of online programs
Author of “The Art and Practice of True Wellness” and many other enlightening and inspiring books
Enriching Opportunities:
The next teleMeditation called “The Energy of Compassion” is scheduled for December 14th. Be sure to check out the past audios in the “Spiritual Implications of Life’s Journey” series - and be sure to register for updates about the teleMeditations while are there.
True Wellness Opportunities are fully addressed in the book called “The Art and Practice of True Wellness” and in the 16 month, opt-in anytime online program called “Touch Stones to True Wellness.”
Herpes Simplex Virus,
spiritual implications
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Personal Gratitude at Thanksgiving
There is always something we can be grateful for,
and Thanksgiving is the day to stop
and offer our humble appreciation for it.
This Thanksgiving I find myself feeling grateful for all of you who have crossed my path on the road of life this past year.
Maybe we nodded a ‘hello’ as we rushed off to attend to our responsibilities.
Maybe we paused to embrace and acknowledged our connection.
Maybe we shared words that spoke of Trust and Friendship.
Maybe we connected in many meaningful ways in cyberspace :-)
But whether our interaction was actual or virtual, I know you are an integral part of who I am Becoming – and for this I am grateful. I humbly thank you for Your Presence in my life.
As a spiritual seeker, I know there are blessings to every interaction. No gratitude practice would be complete without my also thanking the Dark Teachers I have met this past year. I honor You also for showing me things hidden in the recesses of my life.
Whether you take time to express gratitude on this holiday or just gather to eat…I wanted you to know I am grateful for Your Presence this Thanksgiving.
To You…Family, Friends, Gratitude and Good Eating! Corinne
and Thanksgiving is the day to stop
and offer our humble appreciation for it.
This Thanksgiving I find myself feeling grateful for all of you who have crossed my path on the road of life this past year.
Maybe we nodded a ‘hello’ as we rushed off to attend to our responsibilities.
Maybe we paused to embrace and acknowledged our connection.
Maybe we shared words that spoke of Trust and Friendship.
Maybe we connected in many meaningful ways in cyberspace :-)
But whether our interaction was actual or virtual, I know you are an integral part of who I am Becoming – and for this I am grateful. I humbly thank you for Your Presence in my life.
As a spiritual seeker, I know there are blessings to every interaction. No gratitude practice would be complete without my also thanking the Dark Teachers I have met this past year. I honor You also for showing me things hidden in the recesses of my life.
Whether you take time to express gratitude on this holiday or just gather to eat…I wanted you to know I am grateful for Your Presence this Thanksgiving.
To You…Family, Friends, Gratitude and Good Eating! Corinne
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Mindfulness Inspiration
You can not know where you need to go for resolution and enlightenment – or you would already be there.
With a fresh clear mind, surrender to the journey into the Heart of Self-Love.
There is nothing to change or do – but everything to Be.
Wake up! There is no sleeping on this path!
Feel yourself inhale.
Follow your breath within.
Follow your breath as it leaves you.
Intend to see your life as it really is – not like you think it is.
Intend to see your life for the first time.
Let the veil of your own thoughts, beliefs and opinions drift away allowing you to see Your World and The World as it truly is.
Consciously…choose…to be here…Now.
Pay attention to where you are.
Where you are, in this moment, is perfect for your life’s journey. Listen openly, right here…Now.
You are here, awake and alert without judgment. You are not relaxed into unawareness.
Intend to be fully awake for everything that is You, for everything that is your story.
There is no where to go. You have already arrived.
Be mindfully exactly where you are Now.
Who you are, in this moment, is exactly who you need to be to fulfill your Life’s Mission.
The only moment you are truly alive…is Now.
The only moment where you can affect change is Now.
The only moment you are truly alive is Now…and Now…and Now.
Accept all of what is here Now with an attitude of quiet receptivity.
Receive and Trust.
Accept all that is here Now with infinite Gratitude for What Is.
No matter what is here Now, all of What Is, is perfectly aligned with your answers.
You only need to follow this path, one foot in front of the other, one moment at a time.
If you feel any discomfort, accept it.
Be with your discomfort.
Trust your discomfort is a Divine Teacher leading you to the resolution that will bring you Inner Peace.
Inner Peace waits at the epicenter of your discomfort.
When you find Inner Peace, you are Inner Peace – and it lights up your life for others to bask in.
Relax down into your thoughts.
Make room for all of them.
Welcome the vast potential of you. Suppress nothing.
Self-discover the Divine Interior of your challenges.
See who you truly are, not who you think you are – and find your Radiant Self.
Wake up! There is no sleeping on this path!
Feel yourself inhale.
Follow your breath within.
Follow your breath as it leaves you.
There is no where to go and everything to Be.
Relax down into exactly where you are Now…awake…alert…quietly receptive.
Give yourself permission to go nowhere except to this moment…here…Now.
Do it with clarity, kindness and Love. There is nowhere else to go, but here…Now. This is the Sacred Quest.
Stay with everything that is you. Honor everything here Now.
Allow the vastness of the interior of you to embrace all that is You – every thought, every emotion.
Just Be in this moment as fully as you can.
Come back to You. Focus on You alone. Your body…here Now. Your thoughts…here Now. Your inhale….here Now. Your exhale…here Now.
Pay attention. Be completely awake to What Is.
Make room for any thoughts that want life. Don’t push them away or deny them. Acknowledge them. Let them be.
Allow the spirit of self-discovery to come forward as easily as an emotion or a thought. Allow the ‘a-ha’ to wash through you.
Receive everything with open fingers. Hold nothing. The next moment awaits You.
Sit at the edge of What Is until you can travel deeper.
Acknowledge your likes and your dislikes.
Acknowledge your eagerness and resistance.
Acknowledge the perennial wisdom that flashes through you intermittently offering the light of revelation.
Acknowledge any pain or suffering.
Acknowledge anything unconscious that rises up to greet you without judgment.
Embody an attitude of appreciation for all that is You…here Now.
Suffering is a gift to teach us how to cope.
Suffering can grow out of physical pain.
It can hold us close to emotional distress and mental confusion.
Your degree of suffering is based on your perception of pain.
You alone determine the degree of your suffering.
Your pain and suffering are not You. They are a response to your journey into Dark Lessons.
The only way out of any challenge is through the door that leads within.
Understanding and insight are your salvation…always.
Aspiring to a deeper understanding changes your trajectory in life and directs you towards the Best of What Can Be.
Insight is your inner wisdom speaking.
Cultivate a wider view of who you are…daily – one that includes Joy and Pleasure.
Plant your concerns in the fertile soil of your inner wisdom, and fertilize the best possible outcome with what is here Now for you.
Experience…Let go…Hold nothing.
Wake up! There is no sleeping on this path!
Feel yourself inhale.
Follow your breath within.
Follow your breath as it leaves you.
Dare to dream the dream beyond the dream imaginable!
Find Inner Peace here… the dreaming.
Dare to ask for True Wellness!
Find Inner Peace here…Now…in this request.
Dare to ask to be embraced by the Love of the Divine.
Find Inner Peace here…Now…as you bask in the light of Love.
Dare to Love yourself unconditionally!
Find Inner Peace here…Now…as you breathe into Love.
Wake up to the Love being offered to you in every situation whether you perceive that situation as good or bad.
Wake up to the Love being offered to you in every relationship you have whether you perceive that relationship as supportive or challenging.
Wake up to the Love bubbling up from within the epicenter of You.
Wake up to the Love of the Divine, freely given.
Wake up to the Love of the Divine showered onto you and through you,
the Love of the Divine with you always…awakened…remembered…Now.
Be awake.
Be aware.
Be the neutral observer.
Be the wise sage.
Be the patient, reverent participant in all that is You.
Ride all sensations, thoughts and emotions – with Trust.
Be present in What Is…here…Now.
With a fresh clear mind, surrender to the journey into the Heart of Self-Love.
There is nothing to change or do – but everything to Be.
Wake up! There is no sleeping on this path!
Feel yourself inhale.
Follow your breath within.
Follow your breath as it leaves you.
Intend to see your life as it really is – not like you think it is.
Intend to see your life for the first time.
Let the veil of your own thoughts, beliefs and opinions drift away allowing you to see Your World and The World as it truly is.
Consciously…choose…to be here…Now.
Pay attention to where you are.
Where you are, in this moment, is perfect for your life’s journey. Listen openly, right here…Now.
You are here, awake and alert without judgment. You are not relaxed into unawareness.
Intend to be fully awake for everything that is You, for everything that is your story.
There is no where to go. You have already arrived.
Be mindfully exactly where you are Now.
Who you are, in this moment, is exactly who you need to be to fulfill your Life’s Mission.
The only moment you are truly alive…is Now.
The only moment where you can affect change is Now.
The only moment you are truly alive is Now…and Now…and Now.
Accept all of what is here Now with an attitude of quiet receptivity.
Receive and Trust.
Accept all that is here Now with infinite Gratitude for What Is.
No matter what is here Now, all of What Is, is perfectly aligned with your answers.
You only need to follow this path, one foot in front of the other, one moment at a time.
If you feel any discomfort, accept it.
Be with your discomfort.
Trust your discomfort is a Divine Teacher leading you to the resolution that will bring you Inner Peace.
Inner Peace waits at the epicenter of your discomfort.
When you find Inner Peace, you are Inner Peace – and it lights up your life for others to bask in.
Relax down into your thoughts.
Make room for all of them.
Welcome the vast potential of you. Suppress nothing.
Self-discover the Divine Interior of your challenges.
See who you truly are, not who you think you are – and find your Radiant Self.
Wake up! There is no sleeping on this path!
Feel yourself inhale.
Follow your breath within.
Follow your breath as it leaves you.
There is no where to go and everything to Be.
Relax down into exactly where you are Now…awake…alert…quietly receptive.
Give yourself permission to go nowhere except to this moment…here…Now.
Do it with clarity, kindness and Love. There is nowhere else to go, but here…Now. This is the Sacred Quest.
Stay with everything that is you. Honor everything here Now.
Allow the vastness of the interior of you to embrace all that is You – every thought, every emotion.
Just Be in this moment as fully as you can.
Come back to You. Focus on You alone. Your body…here Now. Your thoughts…here Now. Your inhale….here Now. Your exhale…here Now.
Pay attention. Be completely awake to What Is.
Make room for any thoughts that want life. Don’t push them away or deny them. Acknowledge them. Let them be.
Allow the spirit of self-discovery to come forward as easily as an emotion or a thought. Allow the ‘a-ha’ to wash through you.
Receive everything with open fingers. Hold nothing. The next moment awaits You.
Sit at the edge of What Is until you can travel deeper.
Acknowledge your likes and your dislikes.
Acknowledge your eagerness and resistance.
Acknowledge the perennial wisdom that flashes through you intermittently offering the light of revelation.
Acknowledge any pain or suffering.
Acknowledge anything unconscious that rises up to greet you without judgment.
Embody an attitude of appreciation for all that is You…here Now.
Suffering is a gift to teach us how to cope.
Suffering can grow out of physical pain.
It can hold us close to emotional distress and mental confusion.
Your degree of suffering is based on your perception of pain.
You alone determine the degree of your suffering.
Your pain and suffering are not You. They are a response to your journey into Dark Lessons.
The only way out of any challenge is through the door that leads within.
Understanding and insight are your salvation…always.
Aspiring to a deeper understanding changes your trajectory in life and directs you towards the Best of What Can Be.
Insight is your inner wisdom speaking.
Cultivate a wider view of who you are…daily – one that includes Joy and Pleasure.
Plant your concerns in the fertile soil of your inner wisdom, and fertilize the best possible outcome with what is here Now for you.
Experience…Let go…Hold nothing.
Wake up! There is no sleeping on this path!
Feel yourself inhale.
Follow your breath within.
Follow your breath as it leaves you.
Dare to dream the dream beyond the dream imaginable!
Find Inner Peace here… the dreaming.
Dare to ask for True Wellness!
Find Inner Peace here…Now…in this request.
Dare to ask to be embraced by the Love of the Divine.
Find Inner Peace here…Now…as you bask in the light of Love.
Dare to Love yourself unconditionally!
Find Inner Peace here…Now…as you breathe into Love.
Wake up to the Love being offered to you in every situation whether you perceive that situation as good or bad.
Wake up to the Love being offered to you in every relationship you have whether you perceive that relationship as supportive or challenging.
Wake up to the Love bubbling up from within the epicenter of You.
Wake up to the Love of the Divine, freely given.
Wake up to the Love of the Divine showered onto you and through you,
the Love of the Divine with you always…awakened…remembered…Now.
Be awake.
Be aware.
Be the neutral observer.
Be the wise sage.
Be the patient, reverent participant in all that is You.
Ride all sensations, thoughts and emotions – with Trust.
Be present in What Is…here…Now.
spiritual enlightenment,
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
How to Walk Your Everyday Life in Spiritual Shoes
Why is it hard to walk your everyday life in spiritual shoes?
Why are you wise while practicing your spirituality
and then so often unsure when it comes to making your life choices?
Most spiritual work focuses on personal evolution by giving you skills and tools to grow your spiritual nature.
It is true that you can study how to better know and Trust the Divine Presence in your life. You can also grow your ability to Love yourself and others unconditionally. You can hone your meditation techniques and better allow yourself to find Inner Peace and to connect to your innate Wisdom. You can practice certain techniques to reduce your mind’s influence over your life, and learn how to listen to your Heart. You can find a community that supports your need to pray effectively or that shares your spiritual beliefs.
All of these actions are commendable! All of them will assist you in growing your spiritual nature.
What will probably not happen– is that the courageous, spiritual work you do will have an affect on the life you lead outside of your spiritual community.
Most people attend church (or the spiritual community of their choice) once a week and find salvation, solace, answers or revelation. Then…they come Home renewed and live the same unfulfilled, daily life they led last week!
Why is this true?
Why are most people only spiritual once a week?
What is not happening?
Why aren’t the great lessons we’ve learned not trickling down into our lives in authentic, meaningful ways?
Why do we feel connected, enlightened and wise while participating in our spiritual work in our community of choice – and not when we come home to our life’s journey on Earth?
Most of you reading this are wise. You are not newcomers to spiritual work. You know what to do to live more Truthfully or meaningfully, but can not seem to incorporate it into your everyday life. You know your answers, and you are wise enough to know when you need some assistance. That’s why you are here in this moment...still searching.
So what is happening?
Here are three different reasons to consider:
1) You have not intended to bring your spiritual work to your every day life.
Perhaps your spiritual life is secret or feels too sacred to bring Home. You fear retribution or humiliation. This has probably happened to you in the past, and you have chosen to not share your spiritual beliefs with anyone outside of your community. This could be something you do consciously or unconsciously.
2) You do not know how to bring your spirituality Home.
Perhaps no one has ever taught you how to walk a spiritual life on Earth.
Perhaps a lack of integrative knowledge is the cause of your reticence. You simply do not know how to verbalize your spiritual feelings. This may be further complicated if you harbor any level of spiritual arrogance and think that others will not be able to understand you unless they themselves have performed the same type of in depth work you have. It may be true that others are less learned than you, but there is something to learn from everyone, absolutely everyone – and especially someone you have labeled less spiritual than yourself.
And the last reason why your spirituality may not be present in your every day life:
3) Your spiritual life is governed by factors you are not aware of. Unconscious beliefs may be confusing the outcome of your intentions. It is impossible to recognize what you are not aware of unless you acknowledge your lack of fulfillment and seriously examine your beliefs or search out support.
Whatever the reason…There will be a split between the best of what you know and the life you live. You will be wise on Sunday and a closet spiritualist the rest of the week. When this happens, you lose and so do those around you who could benefit from your wisdom.
Conscious and Unconscious Beliefs
Let’s talk about the affect of conscious and unconscious beliefs on your spiritual nature.
When you choose consciously…you are clear, empowered and open to What Is. How your life unfolds makes sense to you. You see the ramifications of your choices, and when your life does not meet your expectations, you change direction and make new choices.
When you choose unconsciously…you are confused, reduced and prone to feeling victimized. How your life unfolds is a mystery to you. You find yourself facing the same challenges that do not seem to resolve themselves no matter what you do. You feel victim to what happens and are often ineffective with your actions.
As a spiritual seeker you know that you are never punished, that the Divine is ever-supporting you, and that your life unfolds in ways that are perfect to meet your unique needs.
If you feel victim (and most of us do at one point or another as we journey), it is important to remember this: Your intentions direct your life’s journey, and your unconscious beliefs derail them.
You know an unconscious agenda is piloting your life if your spiritual goals are not integrated into your everyday life. For instance: You want to be trusting but you often find yourself needing to get things back into control – or you find that certain people continue to push your buttons – or regardless of your job performance, you are not recognized for your efforts – or no matter what you do your spouse treats you the same way.
If something unconscious is directing your life, you will not know exactly what it is – but you will know it is having an affect on your life. You will feel it. You will see it. You may even taste it!
How to Talk the Talk…and When to Not Talk the Talk
Talking the talk is about your communication with yourself and developing an inner dialogue that allows you to communicate clearly and meaningfully with others. Once you know what you believe, you can integrate it into your everyday life, and you can live your spirituality.
Two of the cornerstones for the spiritual seeker are meditation and prayer. Since you know this to be true then make a commitment to create the time and space for them in your life. This means that your every day should include meditation and prayer.
This first step allows you to begin the integration process. With this promise to yourself, you begin to grow your every day spirituality. Since our goal in this class is to integrate your spirituality into your every day then creating a daily inner practice gives you an aspect of your spirituality to share with others.
There is no need to share exactly how and what you practice, but you can share that you do make time to grow your spiritual nature every day.
Answer questions only as they come to you. (If you preach to anybody, they will tune you out.) Most of your questions will pertain to how you find time to do it, but those closer to you may want to know exactly what you are doing for 20-30 minutes each morning and/or evening. Excellent one word answers are: reflecting, meditating, praying or journaling. There is never a need to explain your process or personal spiritual beliefs unless you are asked.
That being said…there are some safe topics: Unconditional Love, meditation, and the weather. (Yes, the weather! It can be a wonderful, metaphorical barometer for What Is.)
Topics where it is advised that you listen openly to and not share about: The Divine (which includes God, Buddha, Krishna, etc) and personal relationships.
Even if you have training as a spiritual teacher, one of the most important lessons you should have been taught is the power of open listening where you listen with an attitude of complete Faith in the other person’s ability to know their own answers. It is your attentive, Loving silence that allows for the birth of Inner Wisdom in others. This is how you not talk the talk – with wisdom.
Walking the Walk is About Not Walking Anywhere
…but wearing your spiritual shoes with Grace. What does this mean?
Who you are spiritually is in your Beingness or the resonance you carry with you in every moment of your every day. It is not about where you go. It is not about what you do. It is about who you Be.
This Beingness is seen and felt when you get clear on your spiritual beliefs, when you are authentically you, when you risk being who you are a Heart…It is then that Grace speaks reverently.
Once you are comfortable in your spiritual shoes then you can attempt to walk your dualistic life on Earth in them. An attitude of Reverence will serve you well as you walk. Trust you will be taken exactly where you need to go.
Trust everything you see, hear and touch has been placed before you out of Divine Inspiration.
Integrating your spiritual and Earthly natures is challenging, but the rewards of living in the flow of What Is without judgment or agenda is a blessing in itself.
The less you resist your life, the healthier you will be physically, the more joyful you will feel emotionally, the clearer your thoughts will be, and the deeper your spirituality can evolve.
Walk with Faith not dictates.
Walk with others not arrogance.
Walk in Harmony with all schools of thought and all spiritual doctrine.
Walk with an open Heart that welcomes All That Is.
Know yourself with clarity, so others can learn who they are by your example.
Be more yourself so you do not have to assert yourself.
Aspire to be less your self, less a piece of the Whole – and more an integral aspect of the Whole.
Written by Corinne S. Ramage, Leader in True Wellness® Studies
Creator of The Spiritual Healthcare Network of online programs
Author of “The Art and Practice of True Wellness” and other titles
Why are you wise while practicing your spirituality
and then so often unsure when it comes to making your life choices?
Most spiritual work focuses on personal evolution by giving you skills and tools to grow your spiritual nature.
It is true that you can study how to better know and Trust the Divine Presence in your life. You can also grow your ability to Love yourself and others unconditionally. You can hone your meditation techniques and better allow yourself to find Inner Peace and to connect to your innate Wisdom. You can practice certain techniques to reduce your mind’s influence over your life, and learn how to listen to your Heart. You can find a community that supports your need to pray effectively or that shares your spiritual beliefs.
All of these actions are commendable! All of them will assist you in growing your spiritual nature.
What will probably not happen– is that the courageous, spiritual work you do will have an affect on the life you lead outside of your spiritual community.
Most people attend church (or the spiritual community of their choice) once a week and find salvation, solace, answers or revelation. Then…they come Home renewed and live the same unfulfilled, daily life they led last week!
Why is this true?
Why are most people only spiritual once a week?
What is not happening?
Why aren’t the great lessons we’ve learned not trickling down into our lives in authentic, meaningful ways?
Why do we feel connected, enlightened and wise while participating in our spiritual work in our community of choice – and not when we come home to our life’s journey on Earth?
Most of you reading this are wise. You are not newcomers to spiritual work. You know what to do to live more Truthfully or meaningfully, but can not seem to incorporate it into your everyday life. You know your answers, and you are wise enough to know when you need some assistance. That’s why you are here in this moment...still searching.
So what is happening?
Here are three different reasons to consider:
1) You have not intended to bring your spiritual work to your every day life.
Perhaps your spiritual life is secret or feels too sacred to bring Home. You fear retribution or humiliation. This has probably happened to you in the past, and you have chosen to not share your spiritual beliefs with anyone outside of your community. This could be something you do consciously or unconsciously.
2) You do not know how to bring your spirituality Home.
Perhaps no one has ever taught you how to walk a spiritual life on Earth.
Perhaps a lack of integrative knowledge is the cause of your reticence. You simply do not know how to verbalize your spiritual feelings. This may be further complicated if you harbor any level of spiritual arrogance and think that others will not be able to understand you unless they themselves have performed the same type of in depth work you have. It may be true that others are less learned than you, but there is something to learn from everyone, absolutely everyone – and especially someone you have labeled less spiritual than yourself.
And the last reason why your spirituality may not be present in your every day life:
3) Your spiritual life is governed by factors you are not aware of. Unconscious beliefs may be confusing the outcome of your intentions. It is impossible to recognize what you are not aware of unless you acknowledge your lack of fulfillment and seriously examine your beliefs or search out support.
Whatever the reason…There will be a split between the best of what you know and the life you live. You will be wise on Sunday and a closet spiritualist the rest of the week. When this happens, you lose and so do those around you who could benefit from your wisdom.
Conscious and Unconscious Beliefs
Let’s talk about the affect of conscious and unconscious beliefs on your spiritual nature.
When you choose consciously…you are clear, empowered and open to What Is. How your life unfolds makes sense to you. You see the ramifications of your choices, and when your life does not meet your expectations, you change direction and make new choices.
When you choose unconsciously…you are confused, reduced and prone to feeling victimized. How your life unfolds is a mystery to you. You find yourself facing the same challenges that do not seem to resolve themselves no matter what you do. You feel victim to what happens and are often ineffective with your actions.
As a spiritual seeker you know that you are never punished, that the Divine is ever-supporting you, and that your life unfolds in ways that are perfect to meet your unique needs.
If you feel victim (and most of us do at one point or another as we journey), it is important to remember this: Your intentions direct your life’s journey, and your unconscious beliefs derail them.
You know an unconscious agenda is piloting your life if your spiritual goals are not integrated into your everyday life. For instance: You want to be trusting but you often find yourself needing to get things back into control – or you find that certain people continue to push your buttons – or regardless of your job performance, you are not recognized for your efforts – or no matter what you do your spouse treats you the same way.
If something unconscious is directing your life, you will not know exactly what it is – but you will know it is having an affect on your life. You will feel it. You will see it. You may even taste it!
How to Talk the Talk…and When to Not Talk the Talk
Talking the talk is about your communication with yourself and developing an inner dialogue that allows you to communicate clearly and meaningfully with others. Once you know what you believe, you can integrate it into your everyday life, and you can live your spirituality.
Two of the cornerstones for the spiritual seeker are meditation and prayer. Since you know this to be true then make a commitment to create the time and space for them in your life. This means that your every day should include meditation and prayer.
This first step allows you to begin the integration process. With this promise to yourself, you begin to grow your every day spirituality. Since our goal in this class is to integrate your spirituality into your every day then creating a daily inner practice gives you an aspect of your spirituality to share with others.
There is no need to share exactly how and what you practice, but you can share that you do make time to grow your spiritual nature every day.
Answer questions only as they come to you. (If you preach to anybody, they will tune you out.) Most of your questions will pertain to how you find time to do it, but those closer to you may want to know exactly what you are doing for 20-30 minutes each morning and/or evening. Excellent one word answers are: reflecting, meditating, praying or journaling. There is never a need to explain your process or personal spiritual beliefs unless you are asked.
That being said…there are some safe topics: Unconditional Love, meditation, and the weather. (Yes, the weather! It can be a wonderful, metaphorical barometer for What Is.)
Topics where it is advised that you listen openly to and not share about: The Divine (which includes God, Buddha, Krishna, etc) and personal relationships.
Even if you have training as a spiritual teacher, one of the most important lessons you should have been taught is the power of open listening where you listen with an attitude of complete Faith in the other person’s ability to know their own answers. It is your attentive, Loving silence that allows for the birth of Inner Wisdom in others. This is how you not talk the talk – with wisdom.
Walking the Walk is About Not Walking Anywhere
…but wearing your spiritual shoes with Grace. What does this mean?
Who you are spiritually is in your Beingness or the resonance you carry with you in every moment of your every day. It is not about where you go. It is not about what you do. It is about who you Be.
This Beingness is seen and felt when you get clear on your spiritual beliefs, when you are authentically you, when you risk being who you are a Heart…It is then that Grace speaks reverently.
Once you are comfortable in your spiritual shoes then you can attempt to walk your dualistic life on Earth in them. An attitude of Reverence will serve you well as you walk. Trust you will be taken exactly where you need to go.
Trust everything you see, hear and touch has been placed before you out of Divine Inspiration.
Integrating your spiritual and Earthly natures is challenging, but the rewards of living in the flow of What Is without judgment or agenda is a blessing in itself.
The less you resist your life, the healthier you will be physically, the more joyful you will feel emotionally, the clearer your thoughts will be, and the deeper your spirituality can evolve.
Walk with Faith not dictates.
Walk with others not arrogance.
Walk in Harmony with all schools of thought and all spiritual doctrine.
Walk with an open Heart that welcomes All That Is.
Know yourself with clarity, so others can learn who they are by your example.
Be more yourself so you do not have to assert yourself.
Aspire to be less your self, less a piece of the Whole – and more an integral aspect of the Whole.
Written by Corinne S. Ramage, Leader in True Wellness® Studies
Creator of The Spiritual Healthcare Network of online programs
Author of “The Art and Practice of True Wellness” and other titles
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The Law of Hope
Basic Attributes of Hope
Hope lives at the crossroads between resolve and un-resolve.
It sits and waits reverently, watching you in your indecision.
It is with you when you are confused, always within earshot and in your line of sight.
It is a harbinger of possibilities that serve the highest good.
It is wise enough to know that unless you yourself choose Hope, it is of no value to you.
Hope must be chosen consciously. It will not appear in your life by default.
Hope hovers between choices, holding the door ajar to the trajectory that serves wellness, fruition and the highest good.
The opposite of Pain is Bliss – Pain being a collapse into the absolute most dire or negative experience of What is, and Bliss being the absolute most meaningful and positive experience of What Is. Pain sits at one end of potential outcome in your life. Bliss is at the other end.
Hope sits midway between Pain and Bliss. Hope is at the crossroads of decision making. It is, therefore, the same distance from Pain as it is from Bliss.
But there is something very significant about the energy of Hope that is important to understand. Although it sits equidistant between Pain and Bliss, when it is chosen you must move towards the highest outcome because that is how the Law of Hope works. Choose to be Hopeful, and your trajectory is set towards what best serves you.
Hope and Pain are very similar to each other. (Listen to the recording of Episode 4 for more details.) The only differences between them are the type of road you travel and the company you keep.
Pain angles your trajectory of fruition onto a difficult, winding path that doubles back on itself and is flanked by supporters who urge you forward, one step at a time, with biting commentary.
Hope angles your trajectory of fruition onto an easy, direct path flanked by supporters who urge you forward, one step at a time, with Loving commentary.
Both choices spring out of your intentions, and are destination bound.
Both are Divinely Inspired and supported.
But what about Hope’s relationship to Bliss? Although the walk with Hope is very similar to that of Pain, and although Hope is equidistant between Pain and Bliss, it has more in common with Bliss than it does with Pain.
It is the nature of Hope, in fact, the Law of Hope that says that if you consciously choose to be Hopeful, you will move towards a positive outcome!
How the Law of Hope Works
Now there are many times in your life and even your day when you are faced with making a decision. Energetically when you are undecided you are at a crossroads of choices. A crossroads is a hub of options. Any possible outcome you can conceive of is available for you to choose from here. There are even a whole range of options available that you can not conceive of that relate to unconscious intent!
Now if you were at the crossroads sitting beside the Hope option, and did not choose to be Hopeful, this is how your life would unfold:
The devolving journey away from the gift of Hope:
Unconscious intent to remain undecided… self-defeating behaviors…Suffering…Pain – physically, emotionally mentally and spiritually.
Now if you were at the crossroads and consciously chose to be Hopeful, this is how your life would unfold:
The evolving journey towards the gift of Hope:
Conscious intent to welcome Hope into your life…self-fulfilling behaviors…Joy…Bliss – physically, emotionally mentally and spiritually.
The most important thing to realize is that intent will determine how you walk your life – whether that intent is conscious or unconscious.
Conscious, clear intentions are very important when you are walking the spiritual path.
Understanding Hope through Comparison
Hope sits at the crossroads between Pain and Bliss waiting to be chosen.
By contrast the Law of Attraction permeates in all areas of life, at all times.
The Law of Attraction is not specific, and you will manifest what you focus on whether it is positive, negative, conscious or unconscious. You always attract and manifest your every prayer whether you are aware of them or not. The Divine answers all prayers – those that are silent, conscious or unconscious because you are always supported in your intentions no matter what you chose because you have ‘free will.’
The Law of Hope is different from the Law of Attraction because it angles you towards the most optimal outcome. It is the nature of Hope to change a trajectory towards the most positive manifestation.
When Hope is rallied, it makes an idea conscious and clear, and it becomes the outline or the base structure of an idea.
Hope as the Foundation
When Hope is the foundation of your plans, it can only move you towards a positive outcome because that is the Law of Hope.
Hope is an iridescent grid structure that gives vibrant support to dreams and expectations. It is wise enough to support the most inconsequential of dreams, and strong enough to support the grandest of dreams.
Embracing Hope assures you that the outcome of your mission will be fruitful.
Hope is the fuel for right or positive action.
Choosing to be Hopeful and maintaining a clear connection to that choice, guarantees you will arrive at the most positive and fruitful outcome.
This is how the Law of Hope works.
Written by Corinne S. Ramage, Leader in True Wellness® Studies
Creator of The Spiritual Healthcare Network of online programs
Author of “The Art and Practice of True Wellness” and other titles
Hope lives at the crossroads between resolve and un-resolve.
It sits and waits reverently, watching you in your indecision.
It is with you when you are confused, always within earshot and in your line of sight.
It is a harbinger of possibilities that serve the highest good.
It is wise enough to know that unless you yourself choose Hope, it is of no value to you.
Hope must be chosen consciously. It will not appear in your life by default.
Hope hovers between choices, holding the door ajar to the trajectory that serves wellness, fruition and the highest good.
The opposite of Pain is Bliss – Pain being a collapse into the absolute most dire or negative experience of What is, and Bliss being the absolute most meaningful and positive experience of What Is. Pain sits at one end of potential outcome in your life. Bliss is at the other end.
Hope sits midway between Pain and Bliss. Hope is at the crossroads of decision making. It is, therefore, the same distance from Pain as it is from Bliss.
But there is something very significant about the energy of Hope that is important to understand. Although it sits equidistant between Pain and Bliss, when it is chosen you must move towards the highest outcome because that is how the Law of Hope works. Choose to be Hopeful, and your trajectory is set towards what best serves you.
Hope and Pain are very similar to each other. (Listen to the recording of Episode 4 for more details.) The only differences between them are the type of road you travel and the company you keep.
Pain angles your trajectory of fruition onto a difficult, winding path that doubles back on itself and is flanked by supporters who urge you forward, one step at a time, with biting commentary.
Hope angles your trajectory of fruition onto an easy, direct path flanked by supporters who urge you forward, one step at a time, with Loving commentary.
Both choices spring out of your intentions, and are destination bound.
Both are Divinely Inspired and supported.
But what about Hope’s relationship to Bliss? Although the walk with Hope is very similar to that of Pain, and although Hope is equidistant between Pain and Bliss, it has more in common with Bliss than it does with Pain.
It is the nature of Hope, in fact, the Law of Hope that says that if you consciously choose to be Hopeful, you will move towards a positive outcome!
How the Law of Hope Works
Now there are many times in your life and even your day when you are faced with making a decision. Energetically when you are undecided you are at a crossroads of choices. A crossroads is a hub of options. Any possible outcome you can conceive of is available for you to choose from here. There are even a whole range of options available that you can not conceive of that relate to unconscious intent!
Now if you were at the crossroads sitting beside the Hope option, and did not choose to be Hopeful, this is how your life would unfold:
The devolving journey away from the gift of Hope:
Unconscious intent to remain undecided… self-defeating behaviors…Suffering…Pain – physically, emotionally mentally and spiritually.
Now if you were at the crossroads and consciously chose to be Hopeful, this is how your life would unfold:
The evolving journey towards the gift of Hope:
Conscious intent to welcome Hope into your life…self-fulfilling behaviors…Joy…Bliss – physically, emotionally mentally and spiritually.
The most important thing to realize is that intent will determine how you walk your life – whether that intent is conscious or unconscious.
Conscious, clear intentions are very important when you are walking the spiritual path.
Understanding Hope through Comparison
Hope sits at the crossroads between Pain and Bliss waiting to be chosen.
By contrast the Law of Attraction permeates in all areas of life, at all times.
The Law of Attraction is not specific, and you will manifest what you focus on whether it is positive, negative, conscious or unconscious. You always attract and manifest your every prayer whether you are aware of them or not. The Divine answers all prayers – those that are silent, conscious or unconscious because you are always supported in your intentions no matter what you chose because you have ‘free will.’
The Law of Hope is different from the Law of Attraction because it angles you towards the most optimal outcome. It is the nature of Hope to change a trajectory towards the most positive manifestation.
When Hope is rallied, it makes an idea conscious and clear, and it becomes the outline or the base structure of an idea.
Hope as the Foundation
When Hope is the foundation of your plans, it can only move you towards a positive outcome because that is the Law of Hope.
Hope is an iridescent grid structure that gives vibrant support to dreams and expectations. It is wise enough to support the most inconsequential of dreams, and strong enough to support the grandest of dreams.
Embracing Hope assures you that the outcome of your mission will be fruitful.
Hope is the fuel for right or positive action.
Choosing to be Hopeful and maintaining a clear connection to that choice, guarantees you will arrive at the most positive and fruitful outcome.
This is how the Law of Hope works.
Written by Corinne S. Ramage, Leader in True Wellness® Studies
Creator of The Spiritual Healthcare Network of online programs
Author of “The Art and Practice of True Wellness” and other titles
Monday, June 22, 2009
Allergies: Lessons in Tolerance
Part 3 from the “The Spiritual Implications of Illness and Dysfunction” series
Our goal is to live the life gifted to us
aligned with ‘The Meaningful”
and Loving to our fullest potential.
All dysfunction begins on the spiritual level of our Beingness in some form of misunderstanding or misalignment with information. The trickle down of this misalignment creates the potential for manifestation mentally, emotionally and/or physically. In all dysfunction, the silent prayer is for the awakening of self-awareness.
Please Note: This work is about your spiritual growth. It is not about risking any physical harm to yourself.
General Spiritual Read of Allergies:
When allergy symptoms are present in the physical, they indicate an intolerance of something in the individual’s physical world. Spiritually, intolerance manifests in issues related to safety. Walls must be built and strategies devised to counteract a perceived invader/enemy. Consequently, the mission becomes one of healing issues related to boundaries.
Allergies gift the individual journeys into intolerance, and as such, they are Dark Teachers.
There is no clearer indication of intolerance than allergies because although, we are all the same DNA composite, we do not have identical allergies or sensitivities. We are each unique in our abilities to be tolerant.
Allergies are a spiritual mission manifest in the physical. They are a call to delve into issues of safety and intolerance.
General Energy Read of Allergies:
Allergies are a response to natural or unnatural elements in the environment. The select element will be perceived as toxic to the sufferer. The response will vary depending on the individual’s sensitivity and their level of intolerance.
When the toxic element moves into the physical body, it is perceived as dangerous and will illicit some form of defensive response. This response continues until the body perceives the invader to be gone or defeated. An allergic reaction to something in the physical world creates an active internal battle.
Emotional/Mental Read of the Allergy Sufferer:
Since allergies are lessons of tolerance then when intolerance is expressed through the allergy, it becomes distrust or fear emotionally, and resistance or defiance mentally.
Soul Mission Qualities of the Allergy Suffer:
Allergies are about a relationship between life on Earth and the physical body. They are not directly related to the Soul Mission. It would be more accurate to say they are related to challenges being met that support the Soul Mission.
Here are a few aspects of a Soul Mission as related to the allergy sufferer:
• A courageous spirit that places itself in situations that will trigger fear and/or discomfort that require resolution
• A calling to understand the true nature and implications of Oneness
• To learn Oneness through lessons of intolerance with Dark Teachers
• he aspiration to become All-Tolerant
Healing Response to Allergies:
Some guiding thoughts for reflection:
• Open to the possibility that the Earth is a safe place to live.
• Nothing that is of the Earth is dangerous to you unless you believe it to be.
• We are all about 90% air/ether/spirit. To hold onto anything we have to fully employ the 10% of us that is physical.
• We are meant to receive All Things but to hold nothing.
• To hold onto or cling to something is to see it distort from its Divine Nature and become what you intend it to be. (This action is Divinely Inspired and will call in Dark Teachers to assist you in your journey.)
• Meditate on Oneness where you, all of life on Earth, and the Divine are One. If we are all One then there is nothing dangerous to any one of us. Love prevails and is everywhere and in everything. It is perception coupled with action that makes us unsafe. i.e. “I am allergic to ________, but I will eat it anyway.)
• Without the belief, assumption or assertion of the allergy, it does not exist.
All of these concerns are addressed in the book called “The Art and Practice of True Wellness” and in the 16 month, opt-in anytime online program called “Touch Stones to True Wellness.”
Personal Declarations for the Allergy Sufferer
Personal declarations are best utilized when recited softly out loud two times a day – once in the morning upon rising and once in the evening before retiring. They can, of course, be printed out or copied out, kept on-person, and recited as needed. Journaling around thoughts and feelings is highly recommended as is conferring with a professional therapist or counselor who supports the healing intentions of the individual.
Personal Declarations to Support True Wellness
for the Allergy Sufferer
I aspire to be One
with myself,
my life on Earth,
and the Divine.
I am meant to receive everything
and to hold nothing.
All gifts to me
are registered instantly
when I am receiving
not holding.
If I hold something,
I distort its True Nature
and it becomes what I intend it to be.
There is nothing in all of my life
whether it is physical, emotional, mental or spiritual
that is meant to harm me.
It is in my perception of What Is
that I become fearful and unsafe.
I am safe.
I am Loved.
I am One with All That Is.
Note: None of the recommendations in this series negate the medical treatment the patient feels aligned with. This work is to be used in conjunction with the patient’s medical choices.
To a true and lasting sense of well-being…
Written by Corinne S. Ramage, Leader in True Wellness® Studies
Creator of The Spiritual Healthcare Network of online programs
Author of “The Art and Practice of True Wellness” and other titles
Our goal is to live the life gifted to us
aligned with ‘The Meaningful”
and Loving to our fullest potential.
All dysfunction begins on the spiritual level of our Beingness in some form of misunderstanding or misalignment with information. The trickle down of this misalignment creates the potential for manifestation mentally, emotionally and/or physically. In all dysfunction, the silent prayer is for the awakening of self-awareness.
Please Note: This work is about your spiritual growth. It is not about risking any physical harm to yourself.
General Spiritual Read of Allergies:
When allergy symptoms are present in the physical, they indicate an intolerance of something in the individual’s physical world. Spiritually, intolerance manifests in issues related to safety. Walls must be built and strategies devised to counteract a perceived invader/enemy. Consequently, the mission becomes one of healing issues related to boundaries.
Allergies gift the individual journeys into intolerance, and as such, they are Dark Teachers.
There is no clearer indication of intolerance than allergies because although, we are all the same DNA composite, we do not have identical allergies or sensitivities. We are each unique in our abilities to be tolerant.
Allergies are a spiritual mission manifest in the physical. They are a call to delve into issues of safety and intolerance.
General Energy Read of Allergies:
Allergies are a response to natural or unnatural elements in the environment. The select element will be perceived as toxic to the sufferer. The response will vary depending on the individual’s sensitivity and their level of intolerance.
When the toxic element moves into the physical body, it is perceived as dangerous and will illicit some form of defensive response. This response continues until the body perceives the invader to be gone or defeated. An allergic reaction to something in the physical world creates an active internal battle.
Emotional/Mental Read of the Allergy Sufferer:
Since allergies are lessons of tolerance then when intolerance is expressed through the allergy, it becomes distrust or fear emotionally, and resistance or defiance mentally.
Soul Mission Qualities of the Allergy Suffer:
Allergies are about a relationship between life on Earth and the physical body. They are not directly related to the Soul Mission. It would be more accurate to say they are related to challenges being met that support the Soul Mission.
Here are a few aspects of a Soul Mission as related to the allergy sufferer:
• A courageous spirit that places itself in situations that will trigger fear and/or discomfort that require resolution
• A calling to understand the true nature and implications of Oneness
• To learn Oneness through lessons of intolerance with Dark Teachers
• he aspiration to become All-Tolerant
Healing Response to Allergies:
Some guiding thoughts for reflection:
• Open to the possibility that the Earth is a safe place to live.
• Nothing that is of the Earth is dangerous to you unless you believe it to be.
• We are all about 90% air/ether/spirit. To hold onto anything we have to fully employ the 10% of us that is physical.
• We are meant to receive All Things but to hold nothing.
• To hold onto or cling to something is to see it distort from its Divine Nature and become what you intend it to be. (This action is Divinely Inspired and will call in Dark Teachers to assist you in your journey.)
• Meditate on Oneness where you, all of life on Earth, and the Divine are One. If we are all One then there is nothing dangerous to any one of us. Love prevails and is everywhere and in everything. It is perception coupled with action that makes us unsafe. i.e. “I am allergic to ________, but I will eat it anyway.)
• Without the belief, assumption or assertion of the allergy, it does not exist.
All of these concerns are addressed in the book called “The Art and Practice of True Wellness” and in the 16 month, opt-in anytime online program called “Touch Stones to True Wellness.”
Personal Declarations for the Allergy Sufferer
Personal declarations are best utilized when recited softly out loud two times a day – once in the morning upon rising and once in the evening before retiring. They can, of course, be printed out or copied out, kept on-person, and recited as needed. Journaling around thoughts and feelings is highly recommended as is conferring with a professional therapist or counselor who supports the healing intentions of the individual.
Personal Declarations to Support True Wellness
for the Allergy Sufferer
I aspire to be One
with myself,
my life on Earth,
and the Divine.
I am meant to receive everything
and to hold nothing.
All gifts to me
are registered instantly
when I am receiving
not holding.
If I hold something,
I distort its True Nature
and it becomes what I intend it to be.
There is nothing in all of my life
whether it is physical, emotional, mental or spiritual
that is meant to harm me.
It is in my perception of What Is
that I become fearful and unsafe.
I am safe.
I am Loved.
I am One with All That Is.
Note: None of the recommendations in this series negate the medical treatment the patient feels aligned with. This work is to be used in conjunction with the patient’s medical choices.
To a true and lasting sense of well-being…
Written by Corinne S. Ramage, Leader in True Wellness® Studies
Creator of The Spiritual Healthcare Network of online programs
Author of “The Art and Practice of True Wellness” and other titles
Thursday, May 7, 2009
This is a VERY special day! One of only 6 this century!
Bet you didn’t know it was.
This is the 3rd of only 6 Odd Days in this century – where the numbers of the dates are odd and consecutive. Today is 5/7/09. (The others have been 3/5/07 and 1/3/05)
What does this day mean?
Alignment with The Odd, of course!
Do something out of character. Do it with gusto! Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone. Reach beyond what you know. Say something you have been afraid to say. Make that phone call you’ve been putting off. Send that email. Text that message.
Today the universe fully supports the out-of-character gesture – so go for it!
Let me know what happens. I’d love to hear from you.
(Future Odd Days are 7/9/11 and the last one this century is 11/13/15. Better get moving there is not much time left to make best use of this Odd Day!)
Happy Odd Day!
I just had to share this with you...Back to the 'Spiritual Implications of Illness and Dysfunction' with Diabetes next week. For today...May you be Odd.
This is the 3rd of only 6 Odd Days in this century – where the numbers of the dates are odd and consecutive. Today is 5/7/09. (The others have been 3/5/07 and 1/3/05)
What does this day mean?
Alignment with The Odd, of course!
Do something out of character. Do it with gusto! Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone. Reach beyond what you know. Say something you have been afraid to say. Make that phone call you’ve been putting off. Send that email. Text that message.
Today the universe fully supports the out-of-character gesture – so go for it!
Let me know what happens. I’d love to hear from you.
(Future Odd Days are 7/9/11 and the last one this century is 11/13/15. Better get moving there is not much time left to make best use of this Odd Day!)
Happy Odd Day!
I just had to share this with you...Back to the 'Spiritual Implications of Illness and Dysfunction' with Diabetes next week. For today...May you be Odd.
odd days,
spiritual outlook
Thursday, April 23, 2009
CANCER: Self-Love Gone Astray
Part 2 from the "The Spiritual Implications of Illness and Dysfunction" series
As long as there is life,
there is the potential
to develop a deeper understanding
of What Is –
and to self-discover
a transcendent sense of well-being.
Our goal is to live the life gifted to us
aligned with ‘The Meaningful”
and Loving to our fullest potential.
Cancer: Self-Love Gone Astray
All illness begins on the spiritual level of our Beingness in some form of misunderstanding or misalignment with information. The trickle down of this misalignment creates the manifest mental, emotional and physical dysfunction. In all illness, the silent prayer is for self-destruct. It must be recognized and redirected.
General Spiritual Read of Cancer:
Cancer is about the absence of Self-Love or the inability to truly receive Love. Everything is given away. The body feels the disconnection from the essence of self. If this pattern is repeated long enough, the body may decide to create something new at the cellular level because it longs to be Loved.
Without Love, we die. The physical body knows this, and left long enough it begins to scramble in desperation to create something new that it deems Loveable.
This begins the cellular miscommunication and alternative creation that has trickled down through the thought and emoting processes of the individual. The physical body will do everything it can to redirect the focus back to Self-Love. It is screaming, “Look at ME! Do you Love me now? Is this new form Acceptable? Please Love ME!”
Cancer will force the redirection of focus. The patient will have to stop their altruistic work. They will have to care for themselves. The cancer will direct focus back to the individual, and it will also direct the focus of others that surround the individual back to them. Family and friends will gather around the cancer patient to support them. Love will pour into and towards the individual for healing. People will say things like, “This couldn’t have happened to a nicer person. They do so much for others! For all that they give, this is so sad.” All of this out pouring of concern and Love will assist in the healing, but the greatest need will be for Self-Love.
The cancer cell is called in to construct a new, more Lovable self, but the cancer cell itself never intends to be Loved. It intends to destroy the old. Cancer resonates with the state of ‘no self-love or I don’t exist.’ The cancer patient has defined self through their service to others or by how much others appreciate them. The self simply does not exist.
The cancer cell is the consummate warrior – killing, transforming, and cannibalizing its enemy which is the healthy, unloved cell.
While the physical body is distressed and collapsed, the cancer is virile and strong.
General Energy Read of Cancer:
For the person with a cancer diagnosis, as with any dysfunction, there has been a long time resistance to the messages from Spirit. The self has begun to disappear because it has been resisted or denied for many years possibly even for an entire lifetime. The physical body in its infinite wisdom is changing its cellular structure to see if the new structure will gain respect and meet approval.
Emotional/Mental Read of the Cancer Patient:
There is a lack of self-love that is devolving into self-hatred. The perception is that life is out of control. Responses will be a mix of apathy, confusion, resistance and anger. Behaviors will seem to be out of character as the struggle to be well intensifies. The cancer patient has dedicated themselves to the care of others or to a cause. Most decisions in the past have been self-sacrificing. The fight back to wellness, to balance the dysfunction, will by necessity have to include many difficult self-indulgent choices.
Soul Mission Qualities of the Cancer Patient:
• A dedication to personal mission and a great sense of responsibility
• A caring, compassionate Heart
• A need to resolve relationships (self, others and the Divine)
• Great empathy for others
• A deep calling to find resolution around issues related to the spiritual concepts of Unconditional Love and Self-Love.
The cancer patient has distorted the mission and decides to dedicate their compassionate Heart to others only. They define their personal worth by how much they sacrifice for others.
Healing Response to Cancer:
The cancer patient has become the loser in the battle with the consummate warrior. The savior archetype must be activated. Here are some ways that the cancer patient can heal or save themselves through spiritual action:
• Open to the idea of making a new connection to self
• Learn Self-Love
• Heal any issues related to self-hatred
• Intend to resolve any anger issues
• Forgive self and others for choices made
• Practice Acceptance
• Aspire to know Truth in a new way
• Honor the sacrificial role that has been played and see it for its consequences to the self
• Learn to accept the Love freely given by others
• Be more Hopeful, Trusting, Faithful and Loving
• Welcome Unconditional Love
• Develop a clearer relationship with the Divine
All of these concerns are addressed in the book called
“The Art and Practice of True Wellness” and in the 16 month, opt-in anytime online program called “Touch Stones to True Wellness.”
Personal Declarations for the Cancer Patient
It would serve the person with the cancer diagnosis well to explore the following personal declarations. Although the issues they present will either be denied or discounted as important, they are pivotally important to well-being.
Personal declarations are best utilized when recited softly out loud two times a day – once in the morning upon rising and once in the evening before retiring. They can, of course, be printed out, kept on-person, and recited as needed. Journaling around thoughts and feelings is highly recommended as is conferring with a professional therapist or counselor who supports the healing intentions of the individual.
Personal Declarations to Support True Wellness
I have Loved others more than I have Loved myself.
Because I do not know myself,
I have dedicated myself to causes
that I think will define me.
I know that my cancer tells me
that I am Loving others at the expense
of my own well-being.
In an effort to heal,
I allow myself to Love me
as much as I Love others.
Healing from cancer is not about Loving others less.
It is about Loving myself equally.
I do not know how to do this, but my Heart does.
I trust my Heart to show me how to Love myself.
When I Love myself,
I begin to truly see me and to be me.
I desire to know and Love myself.
I trust the Divine will show me the way if I get lost.
Note: None of the recommendations in this series negate the medical treatment the patient feels aligned with. This work is to be used in conjunction with the patient’s medical choices.
To a true and lasting sense of well-being…
Forward this issue to anyone you feel can benefit from its contents, and if you choose to reproduce this article, please include the personal info below. Thanks!
Written by Corinne S. Ramage, Leader in True Wellness® Studies
Creator of The Spiritual Healthcare Network of online programs
Author of “The Art and Practice of True Wellness”
As long as there is life,
there is the potential
to develop a deeper understanding
of What Is –
and to self-discover
a transcendent sense of well-being.
Our goal is to live the life gifted to us
aligned with ‘The Meaningful”
and Loving to our fullest potential.
Cancer: Self-Love Gone Astray
All illness begins on the spiritual level of our Beingness in some form of misunderstanding or misalignment with information. The trickle down of this misalignment creates the manifest mental, emotional and physical dysfunction. In all illness, the silent prayer is for self-destruct. It must be recognized and redirected.
General Spiritual Read of Cancer:
Cancer is about the absence of Self-Love or the inability to truly receive Love. Everything is given away. The body feels the disconnection from the essence of self. If this pattern is repeated long enough, the body may decide to create something new at the cellular level because it longs to be Loved.
Without Love, we die. The physical body knows this, and left long enough it begins to scramble in desperation to create something new that it deems Loveable.
This begins the cellular miscommunication and alternative creation that has trickled down through the thought and emoting processes of the individual. The physical body will do everything it can to redirect the focus back to Self-Love. It is screaming, “Look at ME! Do you Love me now? Is this new form Acceptable? Please Love ME!”
Cancer will force the redirection of focus. The patient will have to stop their altruistic work. They will have to care for themselves. The cancer will direct focus back to the individual, and it will also direct the focus of others that surround the individual back to them. Family and friends will gather around the cancer patient to support them. Love will pour into and towards the individual for healing. People will say things like, “This couldn’t have happened to a nicer person. They do so much for others! For all that they give, this is so sad.” All of this out pouring of concern and Love will assist in the healing, but the greatest need will be for Self-Love.
The cancer cell is called in to construct a new, more Lovable self, but the cancer cell itself never intends to be Loved. It intends to destroy the old. Cancer resonates with the state of ‘no self-love or I don’t exist.’ The cancer patient has defined self through their service to others or by how much others appreciate them. The self simply does not exist.
The cancer cell is the consummate warrior – killing, transforming, and cannibalizing its enemy which is the healthy, unloved cell.
While the physical body is distressed and collapsed, the cancer is virile and strong.
General Energy Read of Cancer:
For the person with a cancer diagnosis, as with any dysfunction, there has been a long time resistance to the messages from Spirit. The self has begun to disappear because it has been resisted or denied for many years possibly even for an entire lifetime. The physical body in its infinite wisdom is changing its cellular structure to see if the new structure will gain respect and meet approval.
Emotional/Mental Read of the Cancer Patient:
There is a lack of self-love that is devolving into self-hatred. The perception is that life is out of control. Responses will be a mix of apathy, confusion, resistance and anger. Behaviors will seem to be out of character as the struggle to be well intensifies. The cancer patient has dedicated themselves to the care of others or to a cause. Most decisions in the past have been self-sacrificing. The fight back to wellness, to balance the dysfunction, will by necessity have to include many difficult self-indulgent choices.
Soul Mission Qualities of the Cancer Patient:
• A dedication to personal mission and a great sense of responsibility
• A caring, compassionate Heart
• A need to resolve relationships (self, others and the Divine)
• Great empathy for others
• A deep calling to find resolution around issues related to the spiritual concepts of Unconditional Love and Self-Love.
The cancer patient has distorted the mission and decides to dedicate their compassionate Heart to others only. They define their personal worth by how much they sacrifice for others.
Healing Response to Cancer:
The cancer patient has become the loser in the battle with the consummate warrior. The savior archetype must be activated. Here are some ways that the cancer patient can heal or save themselves through spiritual action:
• Open to the idea of making a new connection to self
• Learn Self-Love
• Heal any issues related to self-hatred
• Intend to resolve any anger issues
• Forgive self and others for choices made
• Practice Acceptance
• Aspire to know Truth in a new way
• Honor the sacrificial role that has been played and see it for its consequences to the self
• Learn to accept the Love freely given by others
• Be more Hopeful, Trusting, Faithful and Loving
• Welcome Unconditional Love
• Develop a clearer relationship with the Divine
All of these concerns are addressed in the book called
“The Art and Practice of True Wellness” and in the 16 month, opt-in anytime online program called “Touch Stones to True Wellness.”
Personal Declarations for the Cancer Patient
It would serve the person with the cancer diagnosis well to explore the following personal declarations. Although the issues they present will either be denied or discounted as important, they are pivotally important to well-being.
Personal declarations are best utilized when recited softly out loud two times a day – once in the morning upon rising and once in the evening before retiring. They can, of course, be printed out, kept on-person, and recited as needed. Journaling around thoughts and feelings is highly recommended as is conferring with a professional therapist or counselor who supports the healing intentions of the individual.
Personal Declarations to Support True Wellness
I have Loved others more than I have Loved myself.
Because I do not know myself,
I have dedicated myself to causes
that I think will define me.
I know that my cancer tells me
that I am Loving others at the expense
of my own well-being.
In an effort to heal,
I allow myself to Love me
as much as I Love others.
Healing from cancer is not about Loving others less.
It is about Loving myself equally.
I do not know how to do this, but my Heart does.
I trust my Heart to show me how to Love myself.
When I Love myself,
I begin to truly see me and to be me.
I desire to know and Love myself.
I trust the Divine will show me the way if I get lost.
Note: None of the recommendations in this series negate the medical treatment the patient feels aligned with. This work is to be used in conjunction with the patient’s medical choices.
To a true and lasting sense of well-being…
Forward this issue to anyone you feel can benefit from its contents, and if you choose to reproduce this article, please include the personal info below. Thanks!
Written by Corinne S. Ramage, Leader in True Wellness® Studies
Creator of The Spiritual Healthcare Network of online programs
Author of “The Art and Practice of True Wellness”
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Spiritual Implications of Illness and Dysfunction - The Common 'Cold'
There are many factors that contribute to the descent down into illness and dysfunction.
Stress and fatigue are two factors that have a detrimental effect on physical health and overall well-being. They create repercussions that can be mental, emotional and physical in nature. How stress and fatigue impact on well-being will directly relate to the individual’s ability to cope with life’s challenges.
Feelings of self-doubt and unworthiness interfere with clarity of thought and the ability to accomplish task. Without a functional ability to follow through on the intention for wellness, it can not be achieved – and then the resulting stress and fatigue open the doorway for illness.
It is knowledge acquired that changes how we respond to the What Is in life – and equips us with the skills to cope in new, meaningful ways.
In the top-down Spirit-Body approach to wellness, the illness is recognized as actually beginning in the spiritual body with a break in Trust, Truth, Faith and/or unconditional Love.
This series of articles called “The Spiritual Implications of Illness and Dysfunction” offer explorations into how and why the Spirit-Body approach to well-being is worth careful consideration.
The first article is about the common ‘cold’ because it is a major stressor worldwide as the seasons change.
To a deeper understanding the leads the way to wellness!
Why Do We Catch ‘Colds?’
There is little information anywhere on why we actually catch ‘colds.’ Although there are an abundance of prescriptions and over-the-counter medications to ease symptoms, nobody has yet found a way to prevent colds.
The most prevalent thinking is to eradicate ‘colds’ with a drug regiment or a vaccine, but as a spiritual counselor and a student of energy anatomy, I have a slightly different perspective.
First, I assume there is Divine Inspiration behind ‘colds’ which means there is something being communicated to us when we get sick. (A Dark Teacher is speaking to us any time we suffer – and a ‘cold’ qualifies as suffering.)
Secondly, I want to know the exact energy dynamic of a ‘cold.’
And lastly, I want to know why we catch ‘colds’ or what the Divine is shouting for us to hear. When I understand the spiritual components, I feel I can make recommendations as to how to prevent ‘colds’ all together.
How a ‘Cold’ Begins
You actually do catch ‘colds.’ The energy dynamic that creates a ‘cold’ is always around you but to actually succumb to its possibilities (sneezing, coughing, sore throat, congestion, fever, headache), you have to literally catch that ‘cold’ as it passes by or through your life.
“Nature abhors a vacuum.” It’s true – and when you lose your ground in that which is enriching, a vacuum occurs. Instead of being filled to overflowing with the productive and supportive, you disconnect (most often unconsciously) from that which brings you comfort or Inner Peace. It is not your alignment with that which creates the vacuum but the act of losing your footing in The Meaningful that is the problem.
(For more information on The Meaningful, click on the link for a previous article.)
If you stop on the path of life and find yourself going through a litany of self-doubting, harsh judgments like “What a fool I’ve been! I’m going nowhere! I hate my life! Why did I do that?! What was I thinking when I said that?!” – you very effectively create a vacuum.
The Breakdown Continues
Here is something you know…Stress has a major impact on your immune system’s ability to tolerate the introduction of a viral, bacterial or fungal bombardment on your physical body.
But here is something you probably don’t know…When you unplug from your life, even fleetingly, you run the risk of inviting those same agents of misfortunate health consequences to set up camp. And here is the kicker…your physical body registers your intentions (or lack of them thereof) with biochemical changes in about 1/100 of a second! (Not a scientific fact, artistic liberty) So even before you consciously recognize your digression into unproductive thinking, your physical body has already responded.
But, good news! You can counter those thoughts and do your best to align with the highest good – in the next second and rectify what has happened. There is always a thought or an intention that can bring you back into balance.
Punishing self-talk and doubt create fertile ground for a ‘cold’ to take hold. They are negative expressions of potential that become manifest in your energy system when you create a vacuum. Negative expression resonates with a vacuum. The vacuum opens the door to the most similar, negative energy in your vicinity. This will be a ‘cold’ or any other dynamic that creates poor health. (i.e. strep throat, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia)
Side Note: We are receiving the effects of self-destructive thought and self-talk that creates a pathway for illness. Notice that this pathway follows the path of your breath. Illness will manifest where your breath travels with the negative expression.
Meanwhile productive, enriching thoughts and self-talk align you with more of the same and good, physical health. This is just the way energy works. Like attracts like. (This is true unless an agreement on the Soul level is creating the dysfunction. More about this later in this series.)
Manifesting a ‘Cold’
If the descent into negative expression continues and the fertile ground of doubt becomes fear, then Trust is broke, Faith wavers, and the still point where your own Wisdom guides you, lost in the fog of the approaching ‘cold’ – and you officially become ill and go down for a count of 7-10 days.
In general, doubt and fear are the initial, negative expressions of potential that create a broadening expansive vacuum in your energy system. Unless you stop the process of devolution, you will get sick in direct relationship to its depth and configuration.
What Does a ‘Cold’ Look Like Energetically?
A ‘cold’ looks like a fog, a dense gray vapor, which first appears in your lungs then travels to the weakest point in you.
If you primarily have thoughts that are misaligned from your intentions, you will get a head cold with congestion directly in proportion to the depth of your distrust, lack of confidence in self or the situation, or fear of what is happening.
If you have said things you deeply regret, a sore throat (or strep throat) will manifest.
If you have felt things were radically wrong in your life and were depressed or felt trapped, your fear of life will manifest in your lungs themselves. Depending on the depth of your fear, the vacuum may even fill with the dynamics of viral or bacterial pneumonia.
Plan of Action: How Not to Catch a ‘Cold’
You already have your best defense – KNOWLEDGE! With conscious awareness, you can make different, more productive choices. For instance:
1) Even though the process of descent begins immediately, you will have to think quite a number of self-doubting, harsh judgments before you manifest a ‘cold.’ That being said, then as soon as you catch yourself digressing – STOP!
• Relax.
• Sit down.
• Make it your primary new intention to come back to The Meaningful. Ask yourself, “Where is the Divine weaving through this situation? Since I am ever-supported, what am I not seeing or hearing?”
• Look and listen for The Meaningful. Even if it is not evident, turning your focus towards it makes all the difference.
2) If you have said something you regret, feel haunted by ‘what-if’ scenarios, or feel guilty then make amends as soon as possible!
3) If you feel your life is radically misaligned from your intentions, get help! because a cold is the least of your possible health manifestations. Do not continue another day along this path. Seek out professional help or begin to restructure your life immediately.
For instance, if you want to be vibrant and accomplished and you are working a job where your abilities are ignored, get yourself fully on track with vibrancy and move towards accomplishment.
If you want to live an active, healthy, lifestyle and eat poorly and are overweight then make new, strong commitments to yourself and create a support system that keeps you on track.
If you desire a close, intimate relationship then become the best person you can be, first.
In Conclusion
If the life you lead is misaligned from your best intentions, do not continue another day along this path. Work it out or restructure your life immediately.
If you get frequent ‘colds’ or low grade infections, you probably know exactly where your life is out of sync with your desires because your illness will hi-light them.
If you believe ‘colds’ build your immune system then you will be gifted many ‘colds’ and a vigilant immune system – and by all means immerse yourself in your beliefs!
But…if you do not believe in the inevitability of “colds’ then choose otherwise. A ‘cold’ is a mild indicator that we are out of alignment with our intentions. From a ‘cold’ it is a relatively easy way back to fulfillment – if you consider the other, more dire health consequences possible.
Begin today to make changes that serve your well-being.
Choose not to catch a ‘cold.’
Fill yourself with thoughts aligned with your dreams and highest intentions.
Until next time…Be well!
Forward this issue to anyone you feel can benefit from its contents, and if you choose to reproduce this article, please include the personal info below. Thanks!
Written by Corinne S. Ramage, Leader in True Wellness® Studies
Creator of The Spiritual Healthcare Network of online programs
Author of “The Art and Practice of True Wellness”
There are many factors that contribute to the descent down into illness and dysfunction.
Stress and fatigue are two factors that have a detrimental effect on physical health and overall well-being. They create repercussions that can be mental, emotional and physical in nature. How stress and fatigue impact on well-being will directly relate to the individual’s ability to cope with life’s challenges.
Feelings of self-doubt and unworthiness interfere with clarity of thought and the ability to accomplish task. Without a functional ability to follow through on the intention for wellness, it can not be achieved – and then the resulting stress and fatigue open the doorway for illness.
It is knowledge acquired that changes how we respond to the What Is in life – and equips us with the skills to cope in new, meaningful ways.
In the top-down Spirit-Body approach to wellness, the illness is recognized as actually beginning in the spiritual body with a break in Trust, Truth, Faith and/or unconditional Love.
This series of articles called “The Spiritual Implications of Illness and Dysfunction” offer explorations into how and why the Spirit-Body approach to well-being is worth careful consideration.
The first article is about the common ‘cold’ because it is a major stressor worldwide as the seasons change.
To a deeper understanding the leads the way to wellness!
Why Do We Catch ‘Colds?’
There is little information anywhere on why we actually catch ‘colds.’ Although there are an abundance of prescriptions and over-the-counter medications to ease symptoms, nobody has yet found a way to prevent colds.
The most prevalent thinking is to eradicate ‘colds’ with a drug regiment or a vaccine, but as a spiritual counselor and a student of energy anatomy, I have a slightly different perspective.
First, I assume there is Divine Inspiration behind ‘colds’ which means there is something being communicated to us when we get sick. (A Dark Teacher is speaking to us any time we suffer – and a ‘cold’ qualifies as suffering.)
Secondly, I want to know the exact energy dynamic of a ‘cold.’
And lastly, I want to know why we catch ‘colds’ or what the Divine is shouting for us to hear. When I understand the spiritual components, I feel I can make recommendations as to how to prevent ‘colds’ all together.
How a ‘Cold’ Begins
You actually do catch ‘colds.’ The energy dynamic that creates a ‘cold’ is always around you but to actually succumb to its possibilities (sneezing, coughing, sore throat, congestion, fever, headache), you have to literally catch that ‘cold’ as it passes by or through your life.
“Nature abhors a vacuum.” It’s true – and when you lose your ground in that which is enriching, a vacuum occurs. Instead of being filled to overflowing with the productive and supportive, you disconnect (most often unconsciously) from that which brings you comfort or Inner Peace. It is not your alignment with that which creates the vacuum but the act of losing your footing in The Meaningful that is the problem.
(For more information on The Meaningful, click on the link for a previous article.)
If you stop on the path of life and find yourself going through a litany of self-doubting, harsh judgments like “What a fool I’ve been! I’m going nowhere! I hate my life! Why did I do that?! What was I thinking when I said that?!” – you very effectively create a vacuum.
The Breakdown Continues
Here is something you know…Stress has a major impact on your immune system’s ability to tolerate the introduction of a viral, bacterial or fungal bombardment on your physical body.
But here is something you probably don’t know…When you unplug from your life, even fleetingly, you run the risk of inviting those same agents of misfortunate health consequences to set up camp. And here is the kicker…your physical body registers your intentions (or lack of them thereof) with biochemical changes in about 1/100 of a second! (Not a scientific fact, artistic liberty) So even before you consciously recognize your digression into unproductive thinking, your physical body has already responded.
But, good news! You can counter those thoughts and do your best to align with the highest good – in the next second and rectify what has happened. There is always a thought or an intention that can bring you back into balance.
Punishing self-talk and doubt create fertile ground for a ‘cold’ to take hold. They are negative expressions of potential that become manifest in your energy system when you create a vacuum. Negative expression resonates with a vacuum. The vacuum opens the door to the most similar, negative energy in your vicinity. This will be a ‘cold’ or any other dynamic that creates poor health. (i.e. strep throat, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia)
Side Note: We are receiving the effects of self-destructive thought and self-talk that creates a pathway for illness. Notice that this pathway follows the path of your breath. Illness will manifest where your breath travels with the negative expression.
Meanwhile productive, enriching thoughts and self-talk align you with more of the same and good, physical health. This is just the way energy works. Like attracts like. (This is true unless an agreement on the Soul level is creating the dysfunction. More about this later in this series.)
Manifesting a ‘Cold’
If the descent into negative expression continues and the fertile ground of doubt becomes fear, then Trust is broke, Faith wavers, and the still point where your own Wisdom guides you, lost in the fog of the approaching ‘cold’ – and you officially become ill and go down for a count of 7-10 days.
In general, doubt and fear are the initial, negative expressions of potential that create a broadening expansive vacuum in your energy system. Unless you stop the process of devolution, you will get sick in direct relationship to its depth and configuration.
What Does a ‘Cold’ Look Like Energetically?
A ‘cold’ looks like a fog, a dense gray vapor, which first appears in your lungs then travels to the weakest point in you.
If you primarily have thoughts that are misaligned from your intentions, you will get a head cold with congestion directly in proportion to the depth of your distrust, lack of confidence in self or the situation, or fear of what is happening.
If you have said things you deeply regret, a sore throat (or strep throat) will manifest.
If you have felt things were radically wrong in your life and were depressed or felt trapped, your fear of life will manifest in your lungs themselves. Depending on the depth of your fear, the vacuum may even fill with the dynamics of viral or bacterial pneumonia.
Plan of Action: How Not to Catch a ‘Cold’
You already have your best defense – KNOWLEDGE! With conscious awareness, you can make different, more productive choices. For instance:
1) Even though the process of descent begins immediately, you will have to think quite a number of self-doubting, harsh judgments before you manifest a ‘cold.’ That being said, then as soon as you catch yourself digressing – STOP!
• Relax.
• Sit down.
• Make it your primary new intention to come back to The Meaningful. Ask yourself, “Where is the Divine weaving through this situation? Since I am ever-supported, what am I not seeing or hearing?”
• Look and listen for The Meaningful. Even if it is not evident, turning your focus towards it makes all the difference.
2) If you have said something you regret, feel haunted by ‘what-if’ scenarios, or feel guilty then make amends as soon as possible!
3) If you feel your life is radically misaligned from your intentions, get help! because a cold is the least of your possible health manifestations. Do not continue another day along this path. Seek out professional help or begin to restructure your life immediately.
For instance, if you want to be vibrant and accomplished and you are working a job where your abilities are ignored, get yourself fully on track with vibrancy and move towards accomplishment.
If you want to live an active, healthy, lifestyle and eat poorly and are overweight then make new, strong commitments to yourself and create a support system that keeps you on track.
If you desire a close, intimate relationship then become the best person you can be, first.
In Conclusion
If the life you lead is misaligned from your best intentions, do not continue another day along this path. Work it out or restructure your life immediately.
If you get frequent ‘colds’ or low grade infections, you probably know exactly where your life is out of sync with your desires because your illness will hi-light them.
If you believe ‘colds’ build your immune system then you will be gifted many ‘colds’ and a vigilant immune system – and by all means immerse yourself in your beliefs!
But…if you do not believe in the inevitability of “colds’ then choose otherwise. A ‘cold’ is a mild indicator that we are out of alignment with our intentions. From a ‘cold’ it is a relatively easy way back to fulfillment – if you consider the other, more dire health consequences possible.
Begin today to make changes that serve your well-being.
Choose not to catch a ‘cold.’
Fill yourself with thoughts aligned with your dreams and highest intentions.
Until next time…Be well!
Forward this issue to anyone you feel can benefit from its contents, and if you choose to reproduce this article, please include the personal info below. Thanks!
Written by Corinne S. Ramage, Leader in True Wellness® Studies
Creator of The Spiritual Healthcare Network of online programs
Author of “The Art and Practice of True Wellness”
common cold,
spiritual implications
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Spiritual Lessons at the Bird Feeder
I watch the squirrels and birds fight bitterly for food at the feeder.
The red and gray squirrels squeal wildly and the little birds scatter. Then five blue jays swoop down and take control of the suet and seed for a few minutes before getting distracted – and the squirrels return to the battleground. There is no camaraderie and absolutely no sharing – not this morning anyway.
As human beings, we have the potential to share and assist. Our hearts are proud and kind. We can be infinitely altruistic and infinitely cruel. But we can choose how we behave! We are not bound by baser instincts. It is within our potential to be All Things – and this makes me Hopeful that we will resolve our global challenges.
The squirrels just knocked the bird feeder to the ground. Better go put it back up.
Just a few thoughts this morning.
NEW! “Inspiring Hope” online program is almost complete! Check out the details today. Launch date is March 6th!
NEW! newsletter/blog series coming soon called “The Spiritual Implications of Illness.” Get a front seat by subscribing to my newsletter “The Wellspring”
The red and gray squirrels squeal wildly and the little birds scatter. Then five blue jays swoop down and take control of the suet and seed for a few minutes before getting distracted – and the squirrels return to the battleground. There is no camaraderie and absolutely no sharing – not this morning anyway.
As human beings, we have the potential to share and assist. Our hearts are proud and kind. We can be infinitely altruistic and infinitely cruel. But we can choose how we behave! We are not bound by baser instincts. It is within our potential to be All Things – and this makes me Hopeful that we will resolve our global challenges.
The squirrels just knocked the bird feeder to the ground. Better go put it back up.
Just a few thoughts this morning.
NEW! “Inspiring Hope” online program is almost complete! Check out the details today. Launch date is March 6th!
NEW! newsletter/blog series coming soon called “The Spiritual Implications of Illness.” Get a front seat by subscribing to my newsletter “The Wellspring”
Saturday, February 21, 2009
The Search for ‘The Meaningful’ Inspires Hope
When it surfaces, The Meaningful stops us on the path of life.
We are stunned by its beauty and relevance,
and nothing is ever the same again.
The Meaningful eludes us when life becomes too complicated or senseless. Without The Meaningful making an occasional appearance in our lives, we lose our way. We retreat into a frightening disconnected reality where we feel alone, confused and unmotivated. An array of physical complications set in like fatigue, headaches and muscle pains. Without The Meaningful, life can feel as if it is not worth living.
The Meaningful, though, is always with us. We can not always see it or feel it – but it is with us hidden in the shadows or just beneath the surface of What Is. If we have lost our ability to see, hear or feel it, we will have to attune with it and search it out.
Our lives are made up of a number of seemingly discordant and also harmonious events. We feel despondent when things configure in ways that are unfathomable or illogical. We feel elated when events align in ways that support our personal goals. Neither of these experiences will be lasting unless we incorporate them into our lives.
When we incorporate or integrate all of our experiences both the discordant and the quick-fix-harmonious, we see beyond them, our world shifts and reconfigures, and life feels balanced again. It is when the heavens tilt slightly and give us a new perception of the familiar, that The Meaningful is discovered. This can not happen unless we direct our focus or attune to The Meaningful. But exactly what are we attuning to?
Recently I advised a client concerned about a number of difficult issues, to focus on The Meaningful and to let the rest go. She had every intention of doing this, and is actually very good at following through with her commitments to herself, but she found this assignment a challenge. She is a very sensory person who fully understands the energies of Gratitude, Discernment and Truth, but she could not get a firm grasp on the assignment and asked me a day later, “What is The Meaningful? What exactly am I reaching for?” What great questions!
'The Meaningful' Defined
The Meaningful is our Heart or Soul speaking. It is what wakes us up to the calling within or our destiny. It directs us towards what we must move towards to feel fulfilled.
The Meaningful has archetypal significance. The birth of a child, a breath taking sunset or even an untimely death are all events that can bring us to our knees in awe and gratitude, changing our perception of ourselves.
An athlete may discover that competition is motivating but that personal triumph has far greater impact on their sense of accomplishment.
A woman drowning in feelings of ineptness or failure may discover that she never was inept just believed she was – and so rise from the ashes of her life with newfound strength.
A man having lost a job and a pension package late in life may discover he has a true gift for painting the feelings of angst.
Someone plagued with a life long disability may discover how that disability led them to the exact people and situations that brought them Inner Peace.
The death of a loved one may inspire someone to powerfully assist others in their grief or to discover the cure for an illness.
Bringing ‘The Meaningful’ into Focus
When we set our intention to self-discover The Meaningful, many factors we perceive as the absolute Truth begin to gently reposition themselves. The chaotic theater of events and thoughts that is our perceptual base, morphs into a cohesive and brilliant work of art. The stage blurs, there is a dazzling display of lights and effects – and then The Meaningful is revealed. We may have to stay with the chaotic vision and feelings for awhile but as long as we stay clear with our intention, The Meaningful will reveal itself.
We will recognize The Meaningful because it is well defined – not muted, pastel or non-descript. It has a clear voice that tells us the answer. It is a spot of light shining on the perception of life that fulfills or enriches us. The quintessential factors important to who we are step forward for our consideration, and we applaud!
When The Meaningful emerges, we emit a great sigh of relief. We are awash with a sense of Peace that comes with the realization that the Truth has been revealed. We see what we didn’t before. We grasp the ‘why,’ and everything else drops away into insignificance. The magnitude of the relevance fills us to overflowing with understanding. We are washed over and through with this understanding, and we feel Peaceful, replete, and full of Hope.
What to Do: Specifics
When we think things don’t make sense or we are bored or depressed with life, we must stop and ask ourselves, “Where is The Meaningful in this situation?”
If our actions are distancing us from The Meaningful, we must tweak our actions. We can not, though, change how we live life unless we first intend to find The Meaningful – and then anything that is insignificant or lacks meaning will drop away. The meaningless simply can not exist in the same place or time as The Meaningful.
The Meaningful is in everything and everywhere.
When it makes its dazzling appearance,
we feel blessed down to our very bones,
and everything changes and reconfigures for us –
and that is definitely Hopeful!
Please reproduce and share this article, but be respectful and include the details below:
Written by Corinne S. Ramage, Leader in True Wellness® Studies
Creator of The Spiritual Healthcare Network of online programs
Author of “The Art and Practice of True Wellness”
We are stunned by its beauty and relevance,
and nothing is ever the same again.
The Meaningful eludes us when life becomes too complicated or senseless. Without The Meaningful making an occasional appearance in our lives, we lose our way. We retreat into a frightening disconnected reality where we feel alone, confused and unmotivated. An array of physical complications set in like fatigue, headaches and muscle pains. Without The Meaningful, life can feel as if it is not worth living.
The Meaningful, though, is always with us. We can not always see it or feel it – but it is with us hidden in the shadows or just beneath the surface of What Is. If we have lost our ability to see, hear or feel it, we will have to attune with it and search it out.
Our lives are made up of a number of seemingly discordant and also harmonious events. We feel despondent when things configure in ways that are unfathomable or illogical. We feel elated when events align in ways that support our personal goals. Neither of these experiences will be lasting unless we incorporate them into our lives.
When we incorporate or integrate all of our experiences both the discordant and the quick-fix-harmonious, we see beyond them, our world shifts and reconfigures, and life feels balanced again. It is when the heavens tilt slightly and give us a new perception of the familiar, that The Meaningful is discovered. This can not happen unless we direct our focus or attune to The Meaningful. But exactly what are we attuning to?
Recently I advised a client concerned about a number of difficult issues, to focus on The Meaningful and to let the rest go. She had every intention of doing this, and is actually very good at following through with her commitments to herself, but she found this assignment a challenge. She is a very sensory person who fully understands the energies of Gratitude, Discernment and Truth, but she could not get a firm grasp on the assignment and asked me a day later, “What is The Meaningful? What exactly am I reaching for?” What great questions!
'The Meaningful' Defined
The Meaningful is our Heart or Soul speaking. It is what wakes us up to the calling within or our destiny. It directs us towards what we must move towards to feel fulfilled.
The Meaningful has archetypal significance. The birth of a child, a breath taking sunset or even an untimely death are all events that can bring us to our knees in awe and gratitude, changing our perception of ourselves.
An athlete may discover that competition is motivating but that personal triumph has far greater impact on their sense of accomplishment.
A woman drowning in feelings of ineptness or failure may discover that she never was inept just believed she was – and so rise from the ashes of her life with newfound strength.
A man having lost a job and a pension package late in life may discover he has a true gift for painting the feelings of angst.
Someone plagued with a life long disability may discover how that disability led them to the exact people and situations that brought them Inner Peace.
The death of a loved one may inspire someone to powerfully assist others in their grief or to discover the cure for an illness.
Bringing ‘The Meaningful’ into Focus
When we set our intention to self-discover The Meaningful, many factors we perceive as the absolute Truth begin to gently reposition themselves. The chaotic theater of events and thoughts that is our perceptual base, morphs into a cohesive and brilliant work of art. The stage blurs, there is a dazzling display of lights and effects – and then The Meaningful is revealed. We may have to stay with the chaotic vision and feelings for awhile but as long as we stay clear with our intention, The Meaningful will reveal itself.
We will recognize The Meaningful because it is well defined – not muted, pastel or non-descript. It has a clear voice that tells us the answer. It is a spot of light shining on the perception of life that fulfills or enriches us. The quintessential factors important to who we are step forward for our consideration, and we applaud!
When The Meaningful emerges, we emit a great sigh of relief. We are awash with a sense of Peace that comes with the realization that the Truth has been revealed. We see what we didn’t before. We grasp the ‘why,’ and everything else drops away into insignificance. The magnitude of the relevance fills us to overflowing with understanding. We are washed over and through with this understanding, and we feel Peaceful, replete, and full of Hope.
What to Do: Specifics
When we think things don’t make sense or we are bored or depressed with life, we must stop and ask ourselves, “Where is The Meaningful in this situation?”
If our actions are distancing us from The Meaningful, we must tweak our actions. We can not, though, change how we live life unless we first intend to find The Meaningful – and then anything that is insignificant or lacks meaning will drop away. The meaningless simply can not exist in the same place or time as The Meaningful.
The Meaningful is in everything and everywhere.
When it makes its dazzling appearance,
we feel blessed down to our very bones,
and everything changes and reconfigures for us –
and that is definitely Hopeful!
Please reproduce and share this article, but be respectful and include the details below:
Written by Corinne S. Ramage, Leader in True Wellness® Studies
Creator of The Spiritual Healthcare Network of online programs
Author of “The Art and Practice of True Wellness”
Friday, January 23, 2009
Inspiring Hope in the New Year
Sorry, I forgot to post this for you. I sent it to The Wellspring subscribers (my newsletter) but did not post it here.
Part Four of ‘A Spiritual Holiday’
May every challenge in your life
be a stepping stone to resolution and Inner Peace.
Energetically Hope is an iridescent, all color, grid structure that configures in your life with your direction and intention. Its structure is two fold:
1) Hope incorporated into your daily, inner practice allows you to post your dreams and expectations before you for review. Your mind now clear of distractions can review What Is for meaning and validity.
2) Hope gives you structure to hold onto as you let go, Trust and journey towards personal fulfillment.
Knowledge is comfort. Knowledge shared births Hope.
The year 2008 was especially challenging. We began the year expecting the economy to improve. There was a greater overall optimism about financial decisions individuals were making with their investments and home purchases. Statistics indicate that many more Americans at the beginning of 2008 than today approved of the military decisions of the U.S. government and had Faith in how their lives would unfold. In fact, worldwide what was once peaceful and we assumed resolved, is probably no longer settled and wrought with confusion.
Without going into too many specifics, our expectations have been shifted and in many cases the reality of how we live has changed in ways we could never have anticipated. The challenges we are facing have driven deep into the Heart of our lives affecting the poor, the middle class and the wealthy. A massive leveling is occurring and the global community is One in its participation and fear about what the future holds.
Change is a challenge to our stability and sense of self, and the fear factor worldwide has destabilized multiple areas of our lives. The number one strain on a personal relationship is the stress and fear created during a financial crisis. Families are being uprooted with the loss of jobs and homes. Many expectations and dreams are being altered or destroyed. Stories of loss are rampant. Whether we feel personally devastated or not, we all know someone who is.
It is becoming more and more difficult to maintain balance in one’s life. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being are all aspects of the self that have tilted out of balance creating discord and disharmony. When this happens physical health issues begin to arise and relationships suffer. Those mired in personal crisis or feelings of loss can feel overwhelmed, depressed, and lose themselves completely in addictive self-destructive behaviors such as obsessive thinking, suicidal feelings, over eating or drug/alcohol abuse.
There is a way out…It comes in small, deliberate steps that move from inside a challenge, out. These first cautious but brave steps begin the journey into the Best of What Can Be. Our answers are always being offered to us. It is our choice whether we listen and walk towards resolution or not, whether we tune ourselves to resolution or more of the familiar suffering.
The only way out is In. This means that to resolve the very twisted configuration we have created to find ourselves we will have to know our challenges for what they truly are. Today we are being invited to find the strength of character, integrity, and Compassion that has always been ours but been buried under the international driving lust for material gain and power. We are meant to live in harmony with each other and nature. When we lose our footing and walk the path of independent selfish gain, everybody loses. Our Hearts close. Compassion dies for others. Suffering becomes epidemic.
But…2009 is the Year of Hope and Promises Fulfilled. The opportunity for resolution is here! Everything is aligned for our success. We come to a time in our evolution as human beings when we realize that to not get this right for ourselves is to devastate our planet. If we can find the Inner Peace we need to live in harmony with ourselves, we can offer it to others – and the Goodness Within will be the model for others to follow.
Everyone wants to be well, to feel accomplished and to be Loved. Aspire to be Hopeful and to fulfill the brightest of Promises for yourself – and share your personal work with others. Be a messenger of Hopefulness.
Let’s intend to be the best we can be, in order to save the world!
A tall order? Not at all! Everything begins at the beginning. What you accomplish for yourself, you do for the world. This is what the 21st century with its technology and spirituality is offering us. Our interconnectedness allows us to share anything and everything that we do. The powerful connections of those involved with the internet and social networking is proof of how our technological advances have been molded to answer our need for community. The more desperate the times, the more we need each other. And when one of us intends for Hope and Healing, every one of us benefits in some way from that intention. Who we become is who others become. Inner Peace shared grows quantumly. Let’s all be a part of the wave of Hope reconfiguring our lives.
Here is what is calling us:
The opportunity is here for us to look at everything that is wrong or could go wrong in our lives, to learn to manage these things, to be infinitely wiser than we are today, and then to make wiser decisions than we have to date.
Make a study of Hope.
Be Hope Full.
Decide to be the best you can be.
Act in Compassionate ways.
Share Joy.
Show Love at all times.
Be a Messenger of Hope.
This is the year to set yourself on a trajectory – and Trust!
Part Four of ‘A Spiritual Holiday’
May every challenge in your life
be a stepping stone to resolution and Inner Peace.
Energetically Hope is an iridescent, all color, grid structure that configures in your life with your direction and intention. Its structure is two fold:
1) Hope incorporated into your daily, inner practice allows you to post your dreams and expectations before you for review. Your mind now clear of distractions can review What Is for meaning and validity.
2) Hope gives you structure to hold onto as you let go, Trust and journey towards personal fulfillment.
Knowledge is comfort. Knowledge shared births Hope.
The year 2008 was especially challenging. We began the year expecting the economy to improve. There was a greater overall optimism about financial decisions individuals were making with their investments and home purchases. Statistics indicate that many more Americans at the beginning of 2008 than today approved of the military decisions of the U.S. government and had Faith in how their lives would unfold. In fact, worldwide what was once peaceful and we assumed resolved, is probably no longer settled and wrought with confusion.
Without going into too many specifics, our expectations have been shifted and in many cases the reality of how we live has changed in ways we could never have anticipated. The challenges we are facing have driven deep into the Heart of our lives affecting the poor, the middle class and the wealthy. A massive leveling is occurring and the global community is One in its participation and fear about what the future holds.
Change is a challenge to our stability and sense of self, and the fear factor worldwide has destabilized multiple areas of our lives. The number one strain on a personal relationship is the stress and fear created during a financial crisis. Families are being uprooted with the loss of jobs and homes. Many expectations and dreams are being altered or destroyed. Stories of loss are rampant. Whether we feel personally devastated or not, we all know someone who is.
It is becoming more and more difficult to maintain balance in one’s life. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being are all aspects of the self that have tilted out of balance creating discord and disharmony. When this happens physical health issues begin to arise and relationships suffer. Those mired in personal crisis or feelings of loss can feel overwhelmed, depressed, and lose themselves completely in addictive self-destructive behaviors such as obsessive thinking, suicidal feelings, over eating or drug/alcohol abuse.
There is a way out…It comes in small, deliberate steps that move from inside a challenge, out. These first cautious but brave steps begin the journey into the Best of What Can Be. Our answers are always being offered to us. It is our choice whether we listen and walk towards resolution or not, whether we tune ourselves to resolution or more of the familiar suffering.
The only way out is In. This means that to resolve the very twisted configuration we have created to find ourselves we will have to know our challenges for what they truly are. Today we are being invited to find the strength of character, integrity, and Compassion that has always been ours but been buried under the international driving lust for material gain and power. We are meant to live in harmony with each other and nature. When we lose our footing and walk the path of independent selfish gain, everybody loses. Our Hearts close. Compassion dies for others. Suffering becomes epidemic.
But…2009 is the Year of Hope and Promises Fulfilled. The opportunity for resolution is here! Everything is aligned for our success. We come to a time in our evolution as human beings when we realize that to not get this right for ourselves is to devastate our planet. If we can find the Inner Peace we need to live in harmony with ourselves, we can offer it to others – and the Goodness Within will be the model for others to follow.
Everyone wants to be well, to feel accomplished and to be Loved. Aspire to be Hopeful and to fulfill the brightest of Promises for yourself – and share your personal work with others. Be a messenger of Hopefulness.
Let’s intend to be the best we can be, in order to save the world!
A tall order? Not at all! Everything begins at the beginning. What you accomplish for yourself, you do for the world. This is what the 21st century with its technology and spirituality is offering us. Our interconnectedness allows us to share anything and everything that we do. The powerful connections of those involved with the internet and social networking is proof of how our technological advances have been molded to answer our need for community. The more desperate the times, the more we need each other. And when one of us intends for Hope and Healing, every one of us benefits in some way from that intention. Who we become is who others become. Inner Peace shared grows quantumly. Let’s all be a part of the wave of Hope reconfiguring our lives.
Here is what is calling us:
The opportunity is here for us to look at everything that is wrong or could go wrong in our lives, to learn to manage these things, to be infinitely wiser than we are today, and then to make wiser decisions than we have to date.
Make a study of Hope.
Be Hope Full.
Decide to be the best you can be.
Act in Compassionate ways.
Share Joy.
Show Love at all times.
Be a Messenger of Hope.
This is the year to set yourself on a trajectory – and Trust!
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