Another Full Moon (called a Blue Moon) is here on the last day of December to ease our passage into 2010.
(The last Blue Moon on December 31st was in 1990.)
The double blessings of a Full Moon are being offered to us as we begin the New Year. 2010 begins with the gifts of the Full Moon times two!
What is the symbolic meaning of a Full Moon?
Power, crystal clear thought, light, understanding, and fruition. (Double all of these gifts and you have today!)
In addition to these symbolic energies, the Native American tradition has another explanation. The Full Moon in December is called the ‘Long Night Moon.’ We have just crossed the December 21st Winter Solstice and are still embraced by the spiritual offerings associated with Darkness (or the ‘Long Night’) which are restoration and introspection.
If you put all of this together, it means that 2010 begins with a Blue Moon that promises restoration, introspection, and a double dose of the light of understanding!
May we all know
that the many challenges of 2009
will make us infinitely wiser with our actions in 2010.
May we all welcome
the potential for powerful thought,
and the breakthrough to a wisdom
that serves the Highest Good.
May we ready ourselves
for an understanding of ourselves and others
that lights the way to Right Action through Compassionate Intention.
Special Announcement!
World Day of Compassionate Intention
May 25, 2010
Begin to Ready Yourself…Participate…Share the Message
…All you need is a caring Heart…
Lesson 3 of the FREE 'Compassion Studies' TeleMeditations is on January 4th
Click HERE to Register for email reminders and audio links
Click HERE to listen to past audios of Lessons 1 and 2
The Best of What Can Be in 2010 begins TODAY.
Everything is aligned for your success!
Learn more about this exciting new work at
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
The Blessings in the House of You

In the House of You, there lives
…wisdom and impulsivity,
…compassion and carelessness,
…clarity and confusion.
In the House of You, there is someone who is radiantly healthy and someone who makes dubious choices about their well-being.
There is someone in the House of You who is dedicated to task and someone who vacillates.
A courageous leader who fights for what they believe in and a submissive follower afraid to disobey also live in the House of You…along with a devoted seeker deeply Faithful, and a doubtful seeker who feels abandoned.
There is a confident person who is at ease with What Is, and a frightened child lost in What Is.
In the House of You, there is a Truth seeker and a Truth slayer.
There is a compassionate healer, and there is a tortured soul.
There is someone who aspires to create harmony, and someone who knows they have the potential to create disharmony.
You can manifest great things. You can derail a train.
You can speak words that nurture. You can breathe fire that burns.
You are All Things on some days.
You are some things of other days.
You are perfectly crafted to fulfill your promises to yourself and your Soul Mission. You have a depth of character that aspires to know All That Is by exploring the multitude of possibilities available to you.
Every moment you experience life brings you close to Personal Fulfillment whether you travel that moment in the light of the Sun or the dark of the New Moon.
You are the Blessing in the House of You this holiday season – and I am honored to celebrate you!
Love to All, Corinne – your fellow traveler and True Wellness® Enthusiast
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Herpes Simplex Virus: Lessons in Self-Responsibility and Personal Truth
From “The Spiritual Implications of Illness and Dysfunction” Series
Our goal is to live the life gifted to us
aligned with ‘The Meaningful”
and Loving to our fullest potential.
All dysfunction begins on the spiritual level of our Beingness in some form of misunderstanding or misalignment with information. The trickle down of this misalignment creates the potential for manifestation mentally, emotionally and/or physically. In all dysfunction, the silent prayer is for the awakening of self-awareness.
Please Note: This work is about your spiritual growth. It does not negate or judge any medical advice. It is meant to work in harmony with all allopathic recommendations, unless otherwise stated.
The Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2
The medical community considers HSV to be a lifelong infection. Transmitted during close contact with the skin, saliva or genitals of an infected person, it is characterized by outbreaks on the face (known as cold sores or fever blisters) and the genital area. (Genital outbreaks are usually associated with HSV-2 but can also occur with HSV-1.)
General Read of HSV:
While HSV is a complex genome that replicates quickly, it has a slow, low vibration. It travels where there is pleasure. Wherever it goes it sets up home in that location, sneaking into the nervous system unseen and unwelcome.
HSV settles itself in the physical body and remains there most of the time comfortably quiet and unobtrusive. Although it chooses to not speak very often and to stay firmly rooted in its residence, HSV makes its presence known periodically in an outbreak.
Spiritual Read of HSV:
HSV Themes: seduction, touch, secrecy and drama
Healing Themes: personal Truth and self-responsibility
HSV hides or hibernates in the nervous system. It awakens periodically to seek out companionship. The virus loves drama and physical trauma. Because it lacks intelligence and self definition, it feels alive when its presence is known – and wants to share of itself selfishly calling in others to make ‘contact’ with it.
HSV lures others to itself in a seductive manner and shamelessly begs for them to touch. It leaves its mark on others in outbreaks that are a part of its dramatic flare.
There does, though, have to be a ‘ground of compliance’ on the Soul level for the HSV to take hold in the individual’s system. This will not be conscious but related to feelings of emptiness where a physical connection and the “need to please” meet and fill the void.
The Specific Dynamics of HSV in the Infected Person
The physical and emotional dynamics of HSV are the most obvious consequence of this viral infection. Healing, though, can only occur with a clear understanding of all implications.
Note: I believe there is the potential for us as human beings to heal All Things – even though, the medical community believes otherwise in the case of HSV.
There is discomfort and pain when an outbreak occurs. Symptoms are such that they can not be ignored.
HSV triggers a wide range of emotional responses that range from guilt to depression, from feelings of loss to blame, from denial to anger – to name a few.
The consequences of actions are realized in the physical manifestation of HSV. Depending on the individual, thoughts will relate to issues of self-judgment, isolation, blame and/or vengeance.
Issues related to self-responsibility and personal Truth are forced. Without the knowledge about the deeper meaning of the HSV, the spiral of devolution continues with the thoughts from the mental plane creating a loss of Trust and Faith in What Is. These thoughts along with their partnered emotions maintain the physical condition.
The Shadow Aspect of HSV
HSV carries a shadow energy with it because of it’s stigma in society. With most viruses, the individual does not knowingly welcome it. In the case of HSV, even if the partner’s condition is known, the individual’s impulsivity may be the default deciding factor to the contact.
HSV is a cloud-like energy that is not clearly defined. It drifts, and although lazy, it is not entrenched and will go where it is called. It loves to be in the middle of the need to please. It rides or piggybacks on this need to become manifest. It forces Truth of actions taken that were meant to be hidden or secret.
Soul Mission Qualities
These are some general Soul qualities of the individual journeying with HSV.
• A willingness to walk with Dark Teachers through difficult challenges
• A dedication to personal Truth
• A need to find self by challenging the definition of self
• A sincere interest in companioning with others in personal and meaningful ways.
Soul Mission Challenges
This individual is more than likely to travel many similar challenging paths until the challenges are met.
• Since companionship is very important, issues of discretion and impulsivity will be present to be healed.
• Taking responsibility for the repercussions of personal actions will be a Life Theme.
A Healing Plan
Journaling is highly recommended to organize your thoughts, and to create a document to share with someone you trust or your spiritual community.
Physical Care
Powering up for a battle is not needed but can work for individuals who feel innately powerless in their lives. HPV already powers up parts of the immune system putting it into a defensive, fighting posture.
Emotional Wellness
Meditate on feeling Self-Kindness. Accept of What Is fully and connect to the feelings associated with courage and inner strength.
Mental Clarity
Meditate on personal resolve, rallying inner strength, finding clarity, developing focus, finding a life purpose, being self-responsible.
Spiritual Understanding
HSV is secretive, seductive and elusive but also not strong or intelligent. Positioning for the Highest Good best serves healing. HSV also wakes up the call to serve and interact with wisdom – as well as, the call for personal Truth. Reflection on personal mission and a dedication to the Clear Path will also serve the healing plan.
Reading of the Divine Mission to HSV
HSV powers up the immune system in very specific ways that create a ground of resistance to a future viral strain. This does not mean the HSV must remain active to serve this purpose. It can be healed, present or lie completely dormant and contained to have the same effect. The same homeopathic principle holds true for many present day inoculations which contain the very virus they are meant to resist.
Personal Declarations to Support Healing HSV
Personal declarations are best utilized when recited softly out loud two times a day – once in the morning upon rising and once in the evening before retiring. They can, of course, be printed out or copied out, kept on-person, and recited as needed. Journaling around thoughts and feelings is highly recommended as is conferring with a professional therapist or counselor who supports the healing intentions of the individual.
Personal Declarations to Support Healing HSV
I look to fill myself with the things that enrich my well-being.
I let go of my need to lure others into my circle of friends
Trusting that they will like me for who I am at Heart.
I choose to companion a Trust in the Best of What Can Be.
I am setting myself on the path of personal fulfillment.
I have everything I need in this moment to feel complete.
I intend to move forward without judgment, blame or guilt.
I do my best to take full responsibility for my life.
This includes taking full responsibility for my emotions and thoughts.
I rally the inner strength and courage I know I have within me.
I Trust that the Highest Good is being served in this moment.
To a true and lasting sense of well-being…Corinne
Forward this issue to anyone you feel can benefit from its contents, and if you choose to reproduce this article, please include the personal info below. Thanks!
Written by Corinne S. Ramage, Leader in True Wellness® Studies
Creator of The Spiritual Healthcare Network of online programs
Author of “The Art and Practice of True Wellness” and many other enlightening and inspiring books
Enriching Opportunities:
The next teleMeditation called “The Energy of Compassion” is scheduled for December 14th. Be sure to check out the past audios in the “Spiritual Implications of Life’s Journey” series - and be sure to register for updates about the teleMeditations while are there.
True Wellness Opportunities are fully addressed in the book called “The Art and Practice of True Wellness” and in the 16 month, opt-in anytime online program called “Touch Stones to True Wellness.”
Our goal is to live the life gifted to us
aligned with ‘The Meaningful”
and Loving to our fullest potential.
All dysfunction begins on the spiritual level of our Beingness in some form of misunderstanding or misalignment with information. The trickle down of this misalignment creates the potential for manifestation mentally, emotionally and/or physically. In all dysfunction, the silent prayer is for the awakening of self-awareness.
Please Note: This work is about your spiritual growth. It does not negate or judge any medical advice. It is meant to work in harmony with all allopathic recommendations, unless otherwise stated.
The Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2
The medical community considers HSV to be a lifelong infection. Transmitted during close contact with the skin, saliva or genitals of an infected person, it is characterized by outbreaks on the face (known as cold sores or fever blisters) and the genital area. (Genital outbreaks are usually associated with HSV-2 but can also occur with HSV-1.)
General Read of HSV:
While HSV is a complex genome that replicates quickly, it has a slow, low vibration. It travels where there is pleasure. Wherever it goes it sets up home in that location, sneaking into the nervous system unseen and unwelcome.
HSV settles itself in the physical body and remains there most of the time comfortably quiet and unobtrusive. Although it chooses to not speak very often and to stay firmly rooted in its residence, HSV makes its presence known periodically in an outbreak.
Spiritual Read of HSV:
HSV Themes: seduction, touch, secrecy and drama
Healing Themes: personal Truth and self-responsibility
HSV hides or hibernates in the nervous system. It awakens periodically to seek out companionship. The virus loves drama and physical trauma. Because it lacks intelligence and self definition, it feels alive when its presence is known – and wants to share of itself selfishly calling in others to make ‘contact’ with it.
HSV lures others to itself in a seductive manner and shamelessly begs for them to touch. It leaves its mark on others in outbreaks that are a part of its dramatic flare.
There does, though, have to be a ‘ground of compliance’ on the Soul level for the HSV to take hold in the individual’s system. This will not be conscious but related to feelings of emptiness where a physical connection and the “need to please” meet and fill the void.
The Specific Dynamics of HSV in the Infected Person
The physical and emotional dynamics of HSV are the most obvious consequence of this viral infection. Healing, though, can only occur with a clear understanding of all implications.
Note: I believe there is the potential for us as human beings to heal All Things – even though, the medical community believes otherwise in the case of HSV.
There is discomfort and pain when an outbreak occurs. Symptoms are such that they can not be ignored.
HSV triggers a wide range of emotional responses that range from guilt to depression, from feelings of loss to blame, from denial to anger – to name a few.
The consequences of actions are realized in the physical manifestation of HSV. Depending on the individual, thoughts will relate to issues of self-judgment, isolation, blame and/or vengeance.
Issues related to self-responsibility and personal Truth are forced. Without the knowledge about the deeper meaning of the HSV, the spiral of devolution continues with the thoughts from the mental plane creating a loss of Trust and Faith in What Is. These thoughts along with their partnered emotions maintain the physical condition.
The Shadow Aspect of HSV
HSV carries a shadow energy with it because of it’s stigma in society. With most viruses, the individual does not knowingly welcome it. In the case of HSV, even if the partner’s condition is known, the individual’s impulsivity may be the default deciding factor to the contact.
HSV is a cloud-like energy that is not clearly defined. It drifts, and although lazy, it is not entrenched and will go where it is called. It loves to be in the middle of the need to please. It rides or piggybacks on this need to become manifest. It forces Truth of actions taken that were meant to be hidden or secret.
Soul Mission Qualities
These are some general Soul qualities of the individual journeying with HSV.
• A willingness to walk with Dark Teachers through difficult challenges
• A dedication to personal Truth
• A need to find self by challenging the definition of self
• A sincere interest in companioning with others in personal and meaningful ways.
Soul Mission Challenges
This individual is more than likely to travel many similar challenging paths until the challenges are met.
• Since companionship is very important, issues of discretion and impulsivity will be present to be healed.
• Taking responsibility for the repercussions of personal actions will be a Life Theme.
A Healing Plan
Journaling is highly recommended to organize your thoughts, and to create a document to share with someone you trust or your spiritual community.
Physical Care
Powering up for a battle is not needed but can work for individuals who feel innately powerless in their lives. HPV already powers up parts of the immune system putting it into a defensive, fighting posture.
Emotional Wellness
Meditate on feeling Self-Kindness. Accept of What Is fully and connect to the feelings associated with courage and inner strength.
Mental Clarity
Meditate on personal resolve, rallying inner strength, finding clarity, developing focus, finding a life purpose, being self-responsible.
Spiritual Understanding
HSV is secretive, seductive and elusive but also not strong or intelligent. Positioning for the Highest Good best serves healing. HSV also wakes up the call to serve and interact with wisdom – as well as, the call for personal Truth. Reflection on personal mission and a dedication to the Clear Path will also serve the healing plan.
Reading of the Divine Mission to HSV
HSV powers up the immune system in very specific ways that create a ground of resistance to a future viral strain. This does not mean the HSV must remain active to serve this purpose. It can be healed, present or lie completely dormant and contained to have the same effect. The same homeopathic principle holds true for many present day inoculations which contain the very virus they are meant to resist.
Personal Declarations to Support Healing HSV
Personal declarations are best utilized when recited softly out loud two times a day – once in the morning upon rising and once in the evening before retiring. They can, of course, be printed out or copied out, kept on-person, and recited as needed. Journaling around thoughts and feelings is highly recommended as is conferring with a professional therapist or counselor who supports the healing intentions of the individual.
Personal Declarations to Support Healing HSV
I look to fill myself with the things that enrich my well-being.
I let go of my need to lure others into my circle of friends
Trusting that they will like me for who I am at Heart.
I choose to companion a Trust in the Best of What Can Be.
I am setting myself on the path of personal fulfillment.
I have everything I need in this moment to feel complete.
I intend to move forward without judgment, blame or guilt.
I do my best to take full responsibility for my life.
This includes taking full responsibility for my emotions and thoughts.
I rally the inner strength and courage I know I have within me.
I Trust that the Highest Good is being served in this moment.
To a true and lasting sense of well-being…Corinne
Forward this issue to anyone you feel can benefit from its contents, and if you choose to reproduce this article, please include the personal info below. Thanks!
Written by Corinne S. Ramage, Leader in True Wellness® Studies
Creator of The Spiritual Healthcare Network of online programs
Author of “The Art and Practice of True Wellness” and many other enlightening and inspiring books
Enriching Opportunities:
The next teleMeditation called “The Energy of Compassion” is scheduled for December 14th. Be sure to check out the past audios in the “Spiritual Implications of Life’s Journey” series - and be sure to register for updates about the teleMeditations while are there.
True Wellness Opportunities are fully addressed in the book called “The Art and Practice of True Wellness” and in the 16 month, opt-in anytime online program called “Touch Stones to True Wellness.”
Herpes Simplex Virus,
spiritual implications
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