The holidays, for most us, are about activities that cascade down on our lives like a torrential rain storm (or for those of us in snow country – like a blizzard.)
In the month of December, we will partake in a multitude of activities that involve pressure, traffic, shopping in crowded stores, shopping online, meeting needs, wrapping presents, decorating, eating, shopping some more, cleaning, singing, praying, celebrating, gift giving, gift receiving – and eating some more.
We will endure not only a mad dash of activities but a roller coaster of emotions. We will go from burdened to elated, miserable to joyous, frustrated to reverent – all in about 30 days. Whew!
The closer we get to the holidays (especially those who celebrate Christmas) the more frazzled we become until we crash on Christmas day, emotionally wrought and physically exhausted. We will have probably neglected ourselves and over eaten.
If someone asked us, “Why do you do all of this thankless work?” we‘d be stumped for an answer.
So how can we stop this downward spiral TODAY?
First…We have to step outside of our lives or get off the hamster wheel. Spiritually this is called ‘aspiring to the witness viewpoint.’ When we successfully shift to a broader vision or perspective, we will probably take a deep breath and sigh attaining a sense of inner peace.
Second…We have to intend to connect to the best of the holidays. If we do this right, we will begin to see the complete rapture in the children’s faces, to once again feel the true blessings in giving, and to engage fully in preparing our homes for those we Love. We will find pleasure in the cooking, decorating, cleaning and coordinating. In fact, all of the tasks will pass by us in a blur of tinsel and good cheer!
Now...if we were asked, “Why do you do all of this thankless work?” our answer would be obvious, “To honor the upcoming holiday!” or “Because of the children!” or “Because it’s all about Love – and nothing is better than being a part of that Love!”
It’s all about perspective or aspiring to the witness viewpoint. The holidays are about sharing with family and friends. We gather in the name of celebration, ceremony and religious tradition. We gather for gift giving, gift receiving and to share the Love in our Hearts. In the sharing, celebration and Love is the best of the holidays.
If all else fails, hum a few bars of “Jingle Bells” and the skies will part, and you will be showered with blessings!
Hey, it could happen :-)
May your life be blessed with Joy and Love this holiday season!